One thing about our people. In fact, two things. One, we forget easily. Two, there is that despicable spirit of unthankfulness in many of us. We forget too easily what others have done for us in the past . Whatever any of his detractors can say now about him, one thing stands sure. PRESIDENT KOROMA REMAINS THE BEST HEAD OF STATE SIERRA LEONE HAS HAD SINCE INDEPENDENCE.


The prosecution of errant and irresponsible journalists, however strongly people feel about it, will never change the fact that President Koroma in only five years in power has accomplished far, far more than all the achievements of his predecessors put together. When we needed most a hands-on President to take us from actual physical darkness to the light, God brought President Koroma and today the electricity situation has improved in the country. Light may be erratic in some areas but the fact is that there is now more electricity than there was during the reign of the hopeless SLPP Government. The Government’s solar lights program which has carried electricity to the most remote towns and villages is worthy of commendation.

There is still much to be done, but it was President Koroma who restored water supply in Sierra Leone. The system is not much perfect yet, but at least pipe-borne water is no longer a forlorn dream in Sierra Leone. The potholes in the capital need to be addressed and the government, as we know it, will certainly do so soon, but it is President Koroma who has brought pride to our nation by constructing modern highways and impressive infrastructure that have changed the image we once had of being a stone-age country. We cannot use the potholes problems to overshadow the great things this President has done for the nation. After all, the government has strong plans to resurface and recondition not only the streets in Sierra Leone but other parts of the country.

Under President Koroma, Sierra Leone’s economy is one of the fastest growing in the world. As recent as only a week ago, the IMF highly commended the government’s micro and macro-economic performance which has opened the road for more assistance from the organization. The President has boosted agriculture and mining activities in the country and put structures in place to address youth unemployment.

President Ernest Koroma still has the best record for the promotion of fundamental human rights and freedom of expression in Sierra Leone. We have never had such a vibrant press, civil societ, and women’s and children’s groups before. I CAN go on and on and on. You never miss the river until the well runs dry. President Koroma is serving his second and last term. Soon, he will retire and unless he is replaced by a President that will outperform him, Sierra Leoneans will sit down one day and call for the return of President Koroma. They will say : “Woiya, ah President Koroma. We wish he could come back “.

Most of the people criticizing the President because government is enforcing the libel laws of the country have no moral authority to condemn him because many of them are supporters of Maada Bio and the worthless and foolish SLPP, who cannot hold a candle to President Koroma in everything. Maada Bio is a thief and a killer , yet those criticizing President Koroma would want him to be replaced by Bio. How ironic.

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