Sierra Leone’s Opposition Party (SLOP) the SLPP is looking more like a comedy club the closer the nation gets to the 2012 General Elections. In consideration of several gaffes in recent times, the green party appears to be sloppier than ever with their quest to regain power in 2012. For those who have kept up with Sierra Leone news, the archives of the various news outlets and forums bear the evidence that the SLPP argument for a comeback has lost momentum instead of gaining strength leading up to 2012. Following the APC’s victory in 2007, defenders of SLPP wrote with passion and gave sound arguments with the latent power to convince naive skeptics. They were potent and made many believe they were serious about contending the 2012 elections. However, they have lost their persuasion, sounding more desperate and expose to the ridicule of the general public.
Something is wrong somewhere when those who were admirers come up with tags like perpetual whiners and gripers. Something is not right when those who once took the party serious begin to brush off every move and equate the leadership’s significance to a grain of salt not to be taken seriously. When the message lacks substance and people are not buying the political agenda the party is trying to sell, it’s time to go back to the quiet room and look within instead of blaming outsiders for the party’s mishaps. The failure of SLPPers to be pensive and do a thorough self-evaluation has led to the existing down state of SLOP. The SLPP beyond doubt looks like a Comedy Club (CCs) made up of political comedians that are giving Sierra Leoneans a good laugh. The SLPP is giving our developing nation an awful image in the world.
We have heard about “hit and run” drivers. How about ‘EAT and RUN’ MPs? While staging a boycott of the opening of Sierra Leone’s Parliament, SLOP members did not pass the chance to feed their mouths before sneaking out through the backdoor. They want the goodies without excuse. Nonetheless, they have humorous reasons for neglecting their legislative duties. Likewise, the party wants to enjoy the fruits of the nation without putting in hard labor to bring in the bumper harvest for Sierra Leone. Their lack of commitment to the development of Sierra Leone is partly responsible for the hardship in the nation. They have deliberately blocked genuine efforts by the Government of Sierra Leone to reduce the suffering Sierra Leoneans face.
How about this? One Augustine Thomas wrote recently that EBK has lost his manifesto. It was preposterous because of where Bio’s manifesto is. Let’s dig deep for Bio’s manifesto since it is buried somewhere in an unmarked and unidentified grave beneath the 29 victims of an extrajudicial killing he took part in. Whereas President Ernest Bai Koroma is SUCCESSFULLY checking off items on his Agenda of Change, Bio is still in the graveyard keeping company with the dead and trying to recollect where he buried in 1992 his prospect of ruling Sierra Leone in 2012. If the SLPP had the best interest of the nation at heart, they would not have selected a self-confessed participant in the inhuman slaughtering of 29 fellow citizens in 1992, to be their presidential candidate for the 2012 Presidential Election. Only a sloppy opposition will treat any segment of the nation they intend to lead with GROSS CONTEMPT.
Then you have Dr. Banya who is attempting to accomplish at the eleventh hour what he failed to do during the daylight of his life. I respect him for taking grand care of his life given the fact that he has doubled the approximate lifespan of most Sierra Leoneans. I salute him for being sharp and active. Most around his age are weak, frail, demented, etc. Having said that, Dr. Banya will not leave a destabilize Sierra Leone on his way to heaven or hell. He wants to be given the final chance to take Sierra Leoneans for a ride as he engage in pawning our nation’s real estate as he once did with the building in London. Despite his eleventh hour daydreaming activities, Bio’s defeat will be the heartbreaking news that may result to a cardiac arrest on his way to resting in peace or torment. God will then explain to him the categorical imperative why the electorate rejected Maada Bio in massive numbers.
Wow! The polls have not even yet open we already hear about “Phony Elections” and what have you. Are some members of SLOP conceding defeat even before the first ballot is cast? Are others positioning themselves to reject the result on snake oil grounds when His Excellency President Ernest Bai Koroma and the All People’s Congress win? Are elections only indisputable when the SLPP is victorious? Even the blind can see the obstructionist tendencies and SLOPPINESS of the present day SLPP. Even the mute do understand that other than criticisms, conspiracy theories, bickering, venting anger, name calling, tribalism, threats of war and rhyming “Ring Around the Rosie”, SLOP don’t have much to say and offer Sierra Leoneans.
So, what to make of SLOP SLPP? They have apparently lost the edge and it is turning into an exercise in futility trying to regain their thrust before facing the voters in 2012. They have wasted valuable time sugarcoating a past its sell-by date nation building plan and have failed to come up with a new recipe for political success in this new millennium. They have spurn and scorn their governing responsibilities but expect Sierra Leoneans to bring them back on hanky-panky grounds. Their outline for Sierra Leone is a big joke since they have dodged every opportunity that calls for the portrayal of Sierra Leone as “One Nation, One People”.
The worldwide outcry against Bio will get louder even if the SLPP fail to listen to the voice of the people and overturn his selection as their candidate. Since sloppy SLPP lacks the political will to remedy their unpatriotic posture, Sierra Leoneans will do what is best for the nation by jostling them to oblivion. Why? The SLPP can do anything they want and choose whoever they want to lead them, but patriotic citizens will denounce and deny them the devious chance of impeding Sierra Leone’s progress. The development of Sierra Leone is not a comedy show and political clowns must now exit the stage. THE SLPP MUST GO!
Solomon Sesay
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