Will Maada Bio complete his stolen second term ? Sierra Leoneans give their views


Henry Mustapha Sheku

Amb Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-kanu you guys came on August 10th and 26th November and were defeated. I still refer to your Facebook post that you took down. When is man is blessed and his people love him, his legacies speak volume. Wait on it. To.simple answer your question. Hw will finish his term.in grand style and leave a.wonderful legacy that would go.downin history.

Amb Wilfred Leeroy Kabs-kanu

Henry Mustapha Sheku , have you seen all the WhatsApp posts and heard all the audios where my mother is being abused by my own party supporters for correcting them that ECOMOG are not coming to overthrow Maada Bio ? One online APC newspaper even accused me that I have been bribed. Save all of them too. I speak truth even to my own party. But where the truth is concerned, we must say it . Maada Bio is performing very poorly. Though it is not to remove him that ECOMOG are coming ( Let my people continue cussing my mother for saying it ) , Bio must buck up or he will face serious problems from the people. ECOMOG are not coming for him but if there is a civilian uprising and he kills people and the people destabilize the country , what we are not expecting might happen.


Yusouf Bah

He should not have even started. The people are tired. But there is no way their voices could be heard: with repression , intimidation and even killings of opposition members.
The slpp has restricted the freedom of choice of the people and has stirred the country in the direction of a fascistic one man rule .

Issa Kargbo

First of all, Maada Bio seems to believe he’s the only Sierra Leonean qualified to hold the presidency, as if the country’s future depends solely on him. His arrogance is astounding, but what’s even more shocking is his loss of any sense of shame. How does he sleep at night, knowing that he clings to a position he didn’t legally earn? This is not leadership; it’s a betrayal of the trust and hopes of the people. Sierra Leone deserves better—true democracy, where leaders are chosen by the will of the people, not by questionable means. The question isn’t just whether he’ll complete his term; it’s whether the people will continue to endure this violation of their democratic rights.

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