Christian Foday Sesay & Sanpha Sesay, Cocorioko Texas Correspondents
Godfrey Manley-Spain fondly known among Sierra Leoneans as “Lord Bongo Johnson” was found dead through strangulation in his Mesquite home in the early hours of Monday, 19th July, 2010 few hours after fatally killing his spouse, Claudio, with whom he had shared the home for over 15 years. Together, they have two adorable kids, Godfrey and Elizabeth (Baby Love)
According to a reliable family source, the incident of these tragic deaths of Lord Bongo and his partner, Claudia, happened during a 30-day separation notice for Bongo Johnson to vacate the residence he had shared with Claudia all these years. Sources say that an issue was made by the Mesquite Police Department following reports issued by Claudia saying that she no longer want to continue with their relationship. Lord Bongo Johnson’s last day in the house was Sunday July 18th according to the same source.
Although, Claudia’s reason for wanting to break the relationship with Bongo Johnson was as a result of a never-ending disagreement at home which sometimes led to domestic violence abuses yet other sources strongly maintained that unfaithfulness and jealousy was at the center of this sad end. The story unfolds this way:
Claudia, the deceased, had helped a gentleman (name withheld) to migrate into the United States only for her to be sidelined in favor of another lady that she had rivaled with way back in Freetown. As it is always the pathetic case of Sierra Leonean marriages in the United States, the said gentleman has separated with his wife and is believed to be currently going through a divorce proceeding. Somehow, somewhere the “old fire wood” relationship reignited. There was reconciliation between the said gentleman and the deceased lady, Claudia, which many believed would have taken them to the altar.
The late Lord Bongo, who had a firsthand knowledge of her spouse’s outside relationship, realizing how fast he was losing the battle for Claudia’s heart to the other guy, became determined to win her back. But nothing that he did seem mattered anymore for truly, Claudia had gone out of his life more than he realized or was willing to accept.
This intense and unhealthy rivalry was characterized by frequent physical struggles, verbal expletives and exchanges of telephone calls between Lord Bongo and the said gentleman. It got to the point that, the outside friend occasionally will call the home threatening that he was ready to marry Claudia, the source confirmed Bongo Johnson’s complaints.
Bongo Johnson‘s frustration to him, had no solution but to go down this tragic route. We learnt that he did inform his closest friends about what he was enduring. One of the sources revealed that Bongo Johnson asked him to give him a courtesy calls frequently. The source further advised him to be reading his bible and praying every day. During one of their conversations, Bongo said “my brother, the Bible is in my hand right now”. His response was quite emotional according to the source. But communication ceased between them during the past two weeks until the source heard a telephone call at 1:00 am on Monday, July 19th, with a message left in his voice message the voice of someone screaming, “fire oh fire!, Bongo Johnson and Claudia are dead”.
According to another report, both Claudia and Bongo appeared in a friend’s residence at the end of June. Claudia first appeared in the house telling the host with a frightening voice that “Bongo want to kill me mama”. The host, mesmerized and asked, “for what”? “I told him I don’t want him again”, Claudia responded. Fifteen minutes or so later, Lord Bongo appeared, crawling on the floor, with his hands on his head, weeping seriously whilst appealing to the host for help. “Mama, Claudia is ready to kick me out of the house because of her boyfriend” Bongo said. The host gave them a motherly advice and asked them to look into the children they have and encouraged them to exercise patience with one another. They returned home with no positive hope of a deal in favor of Lord Bongo. All the pieces of advice and plea given to them fell on deaf ears. The path was created for destiny to take its course.
After a 911 call was first placed concerning the disappearance of these Lord Bongo and Claudia, the response was that the police cannot do anything until after 24 hours of their disappearance. It was at that point that someone insisted that they go directly to the Mesquite Police station and report their concerns and suspicions.
Upon their arrival at the police station, an order was issued to surveillance the home, and if possible to forcefully enter the house. The police broke into the house and the original 911 caller’s suspicions and fears were confirmed. The corpses were discovered in the house. According to Fox local news, Lord Bongo died through hanging and the lady was strangled to death. Evidences from the home showed that there were some forms of physical battles before their death.
Stay tuned to more news on the unfortunate demise of our loved ones.
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43 Responses to “The sad deaths of Lord Bongo Johnson and spouse : How it happened”
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My oh my! This is sooooo pathetic. May their souls rest in peace.
This is a sad news for S.Leoneans both home and abroad. As S. Leoneans we should take a hard look at ourselves and learn lessons from this. Lord Bongo was a fine actor who brought laughter to us and most of us will not forget him in a rush. I have no opinion on his late wife but may the Lord bless them whereever they may be and may their souls rest in perfect peace.
For Immediate Release: July 21, 2010
For More Information: Donald Nat-George, 214-606-1056, [email protected] / Joseph Betts, 240-508-2820, [email protected]
Official Statement by The Professionals on Lord Bongo
July 21, 2010 (Washington, DC) – “The members of The Professionals are in utter disbelief and deeply saddened by the turn of events as it relates to our brother Godfrey Manley-Spain (aka Lord Bongo). The details of this tragedy in no way align with the childhood friend and brother that we knew for over twenty years. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Haggerty and Anthony Families and the children.”
The Members of The Professionals
The Professionals have established a Trust Fund for the children. For more information on making donations to the trust fund and/or burial please contact Donald Nat-George (Dandogo) at (214) 606-1056 or by emailing him at [email protected] Or, contact Joseph Betts (Pa Bangura) at (240) 508-2820 or by emailing [email protected]
A big loss to Sierra Leone. Amazing and irreplaceable talent. African comedy at it’s best. A sad twist to what was an accomplished life. I hope the children will take comfort in the laughter this wonderful man of comedy brought to so many of us. The family should be supported at this time of great loss. God bless his soul.
This is very sad news indeed. It is time all of us Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora take a hard look at how we form relationships. The backstabbing and messing around has to stop. My prayer goes to the children and all the family members involved. May the Lord give us sense as a community to return to the core values our parents gave us back home before we migrated abroad.
This is sad indeed for us as Sierra Leoneans to quickly forget one of the core values our parents taught us to put our trust in God in times of trials and tribulations.This should serve as a big lesson to us. we are only saved by the divine grace of God. we should go down on our knees to pray that God would avert any such incident to happen to us in the Diaspora. We pray for the repose of the souls of the deceaseds.we pray for God’s healing rain to wash the sad tears of the bereaved family .
Sad news inded. His actions determine the kind of person he was. He took someone’s life, the mother of his own children and like a coward left them alone in the world all because of his jealously and rage. That is a selfish man.
They were not even married…and the writer keeps refering to the deceased lady as his wife.
This is not the time to pass judgment on anyone, but to pray that the good Lord comfort the families on both sides. This clearly shows how fragile and vulnerable we humans can become in times of crisis.
What a tragic way to end!
As Sierra Leoneans, let us come together to help the innocent kids
It is stupid if not shallow to define a man’s character after he’s been pushed to edge, brought low and and forced to make such an ultimate sacrifice. The gallivanting and man joggling Sierra Leonean women abroad ought learn a hard lesson from this. Why the hell did the woman living with a man authorize her boy friend to be calling the man’s house, bluffing him how he had control over the man’s woman? The idiotic guy is lucky Bongo did not kill him first. Bongo was a good man brough low by a cheating wife, if a spade be called a spade. Too bad they both had to pay.
This is a lesson we should all learn from.Husbands love your wives.Wives love your husbands to have a happy home.
Daddy Muss
It just a tragic incedent, cause I know Bongo should have move on with his life afterall.We people dem ken say nar watin GOD don mark. R.I.P.
All we can do is pray the psalm of David after he had arranged the death of a man whose wife he wanted. Deliver me from Blood guiltiness oh God thou God of my salvation.I WAS IN THE SAME SITUATION AND I THANK GOD AND PRAYERS OTHERWISE I COULD HAVE MADE HEADLINE NEWS. Thank you God for saving me from that cheating woman. Amen.
This is very sad for them to end this way. May the good Lord forgive their fragile soul,and may they RIP. May our Lord Jesus Christ continue to comfort the children and may they always remember the love their parents shared with them in this earth full of trials and tribulations.
There are lots of troubles going on in our different homes today whether black or white homes, and if we are not strong in faith we will all end like this.
IT is very sad ,the way Lord Bongo Johnson life ended.I think he lost it, because he was seeking help but no one came to his aid,For all what i heard,about the way he was been treated by his common law wife,is just deplorable for any man to endure.This man was taking care of the children,and doing all of the house chores around the house,while Claudia was in nursing school,after she graduated from nursing school,and had opened her own Home Health Aid Business,now she decided that she does not want Lord Bongo anymore.Claudia was a citizen but refused to marry Lord Bongo,so that he can become a ligal resident of the U S. To me she had a motive.The guy was like a {Month Boy} She then had another man calling the house,and disrespecting Bongo in his his own home.How much can a man take?Some of these sierra leone wemen have no respect for their husbands and home,they rather respect their outside men,than their husbands at home.This should be a lesson learn,but of our sierra leone sisters will not learn from this anyway.some of this sierra leone wemen alway putting down thier husband,so that they can satisfy their outside affairs.May Lord Bongo soul rest in peace.God alone knows what our brother was going through at that house.SO let us dont pass judgement on him.R I P my brother
It a sad,sad story. May the peace of God be with them.This is not the time for pointing fingers, but the time for us to learn from their unfortunate story.If the story stated on this article is true, how much can a man or woman take. We can only say what we can or can’t do but only when one is face with such problem or situation you can define what you can do. I was in Late Bongo situation but with the help of God and close family I was able to come out of it with success in a way the very woman that was rushing to get back her family name is now refusing to let go of my last name.
In my case my Ex wife met me after staying 11yrs in USA without paper and she was living in the project, what I thought was love end up taking 50% of my house and property, but I am a federal Agent in USA so I was smart enought to get mines and I gave her hell. I almost destroyed the Green card I gave her. She was in UK jail for 3 day due to immigration paper work that went wrong and up till now I continue to play with her paper. That how I am able to pay her back. Now I have been doing frequent flying to enjoy with marriage and non marrage women all over as a pay back to all women. I lost love for now on women but Lord Bongo story making me have reservation on my attitude. RIP late Bongo
May there souls rest in perfect peace. But I take offense as a Sierra Leonean woman because some of us respect our husbands and at the same time we are under appreciated.
Concerning the above matter, he should have left her to God for judgement day to come.
Some of this sierra leone wemen have no respect for themselves,so much that they dont respect their husbands.some of them tells their husbands,that their private parts is theres,so they will sleep with whom ever they want,I am very sorry for what our brother went through.my Ex- wife use to do the same thing to me,having guys calling me on the phone,and also entertaining other men at my house, when i was at work,especially one man that we were not in speaking terms.DO u think that such a woman deserve any respect from any man?when she does not even respect herself.I used to go to her job at lunch time,to take her out for lunch,but each time i go there,i always caught her comming from lunch with a white man,black american etc.what is wrong with these sierra leone wemen.Please let us dont judge brother Godffery.let us call spade spade Bongo was just tired,so he SNAPED.
This is a sad story indeed; we should all learn from this. Bongo was a good man who brought smile to everyone. He showed loved to his wife by supporting her to attained her nursing degree while he took care of their children. But unfortunately this was not god enough for the wife. Who later dicided to have an extra marretal affair. I am not condoning murder however, provacation is next to madness. I pray that the Lord be the judge over this issue, because only he knows what really went on in their home. I also pray that this other man would recieve his reward for his contribution to this tragidy. I pray for God’s guidnce over the children. May their soul rest in perfact peace.
this is a sad story indeed, but both men and women not just as sierra leoneans, we should treat eachother with love and respect. Merriage women should close their legs. WORST THAT USELESS, GOLD DIGGER AND MISTAKE FOR A MAN. Should have been the one to be killed and not Bongo. I believe in God and A WOMAN OF STRONG FAITH. God heat wickedness therefor, I believe he will forgive Bongo, because both Mr. Useless and Mrs Useless deserved to die. I hope mr Useless spend the rest of misrable life remembering what his action led a man to do. I pray that the good Lord forgive Bongo. RIP MR BONGO
As a sierra leonean woman, Iam not in support of infidelity and decit. What happened to this family can be repeated again and again if we do not draw close to God for strength. Bongo and his deceased babies mama was not strong in the Lord because if both had a faith like a monster seed, this abnormality would not have occured. Goodness gracious! this hedonistic act of both male and female africans is heading in to a state of absurdity.
I see that the guys writing on this trend are casting blames on women, lets look in to the case of C Bull and Jonathan; Jonathan is a married man cheating on his wife with his mistress and he also went futher to make a filthy,lewd, scandalous, pornographic video disrespecting him self and his wife and family, and the indolence, dispeakable mistres is so trifling to respond in an interview that she loves him and he loves her. This heart breaking predicaments can lead anyone to a catastrophic casualty like Bongo’s. Sierra Leoneans lets embrace God our country and its people needs the hand of the Almighty, let us maintain our moral values that our ancestors struggle to enforce. May the souls of the deceased rest in peace and for the kids, I pray that they grow up to love the Lord.
This is a sad story,however,God will bless and protect the poor kids. May their souls rest in peace.
I pray that the almighty God will forgive them, they where very nice people to the community and their friends in their respective ways.I really, really cannnot believe this. May God guide, protect,give and bless their two loved children. Claudia was my best friend very nice and gentle.
This is really sad, especially for the kids and the surviving families. Plz take hearts.
This is a classic example of what our society is slowly becoming.
Lord Bongo was a man that brought happiness to some many at a time when Sierra Leoneans where dealing
With the agony of the war years.
I hope he will be remembered as one of the original entertainment pioneers.
May the efforts that he exalted to bring happiness and joy to all Sierra Leoneans becomes his redeeming factors in front of his Almighty.
This is a very pathetic situation. Claudia was my neighbour in Freetown. I have always known her to be a quiet lady.
Pa Bongo being an entertainer was the peoples person. I watched him act the Pa Bongo play at the City Hall in Freetown. He was really man full of enthusiasm in those days. I know death is inevitable but, it is a shame on us as if all of us who knew what was going on were not our brothers keeper, or peace makers at all.
How will these children trust us? we have really failed them. We all need to stop being negative and try to be at least positive, have the fear of the Almight God and consider the word LOVE especially to those that need help in reconciliation
with prayers and open hands.
I pray that the good Lord Almighty will
comfort these children, protect them from all the evils of the world, bless us all to show love to them may he grant them favour, and may they know and serve the
Lord their maker for they have gone through it all. May the Lord keep the entire family and bless our beloved Country Sierra Leone. A m e n.
I knew Lord Bongo during the war in Sierraleone.He brought so much laughter and happinesss to us during his (oneput)program,he will be missed. may ALLAH guide the children and the families in this sad memories.may there souls rest in peace.
People stop talking about what you don’t known I have a very family to both Claudia and Godfrey my grandmother help raise Godfrey JR while Claudia attend nursing 6years ago and also working as medication aide @ fumum while Bonge was out there smoking drugs and been a dead bit dad refused to marry Claudia call her all kinds of names bongo was very abusive to Claudia this is not them say this is the fact Claudia got tried after 15 years of stand still of bongo refusal to hold a job instead want to be a stayed home mother while Claudia the breadwinner of the home then after a long and hard come home an abusive man, so pleople together we can pray for loving home for both Godfrey JR age13 and Elizebeth age 6. Claudia may your soul rest in perfect peace.
This message goes to Sylvanus Thompson…I hope u will have t gut to read this reply bcoz ur message is very inappropriate…you stated that “you THINK he was seeking help but no one came to his aid”…if u r so sure n hurt where were u when he was seekin’ help?? What r u saying???…you heard what???…”i heard,about the way he was been treated by his common law wife,is just deplorable for any man to endure”…Did u check if what u heard was accurate??? Let me tell u some…M not sure if u r married or not…but 4 ur information…as a married woman n a wonderfull wife…as sweet I can b n as great as my lovely spouse is… there is no marriage without tribulations…Unless you were interested in t decease wife… how do u “know” so much about this couple??? Where u leavin’ with them days n nights??? U make it sounds like: bcoz of her achievement she couldn’t bare with her spouse…What do u know about what the woman was able 2 endure durin’ nursing school??? raisin’ their children??? Do u know how old their first born is? Have u ask urself y she stayed all these years? What do u know about their private life??? It’s crazy 2 hear one side of a story and write in an inconsiderate manner…”How much can a man take? Some of these sierra leone wemen have no respect for their husbands and home,they rather respect their outside men,than their husbands at home.This should be a lesson learn,but of our sierra leone sisters will not learn from this anyway”…U sound like u were eager 2 tell t world what is happenin’ in ur household…u know what…M not a sierraleonease but u better deal with ur own craps…Thank u @ least 4 t fact that u acknowledged that “God alone knows” but I would like 2 correct this by saying not “what our brother was going through at that house” but rather…”what they were goin’ thru…” Pliz as well as no one want should “pass judgement on him” so should u on her….
Really this situation does not surprise me not in the least. the reason why i say this is because people now adays are losing their self control and tend to display tendencies beyond the good side of their image especially in the diaspora it is becoming rampant and what is disturbing is sierraleoneans are becoming the top in the news if its not strangulation its gun crime leading to death untimely between families. Now in the scenario of Mr spaine and spouse now deceased if you read about there lives styles history one would come to find that they were not really in a healthy relationship and with all the problems of the woman being the bread winner and all these things there wasnt any kind of balanced lifestyle hence leading to stress with both parties under so much tremendous pressure and not able to deal with it in a civilised manner,There comes a time when they both reach the point of no return.
Let them rest This is a lesson for people beaware who you associate yourself with all in the name of marriage and love
She was a miss not mrs so please people get your facts straight and this is how we start passing wrong information around.He never had a job during his entire stay in the US but yet still was driving a V8 giving to him by his girlfriend who people are claiming to be his wife
This is a big loss to all Sierra Leoneans at home and in the diaspora. We should all join forces in helping the families of both Lord Bongo and Claudia in these difficult of times. My heartfelt condolences goes to both families.
The Professionals wish to assist with taking some of the funeral financial burden off of Godfrey Manley-Spain’s (aka “Lord Bongo Johnson”) limited family members in the U.S. At the end of the day he was a Sierra Leonean comic icon that gave us many laughs and smiles for many, many years. The limited family in the U.S. does not deserve to carry this burden alone. Only God can make the final judgement on Bongo. It is our duty to assist. As Sierra Leoneans – isn’t this what our parents taught us.
Contact info. on funeral arrangements and bank account for donations:
Donald-Nat-George (aka “Dandogo” The Professionals) @ 214-606-1056
Joseph Betts (aka “Pa Bangura” The Professionals) @ 240-507-2820
Kutay Turay (Sulaiman / Freetown Players) @ 678-887-6451
Bank Account # 2969389119 (JP Morgan Chase Bank aka Chase Bank)
Very interesting comments! Let us learn to take stories we read with a grain of salt. The two people who knew what was going on in that relationship are both deceased. One of the ten commandment is “Thou shalt not kill” this is the most ATROCIOUS Act anyone could carryout. The victims here are Claudia, her children and her family. To those who are putting the blame on the late Claudia, shame on you! she did not deserve to die in the manner she did. Bongo is a sorry excuse for a man who did not accomplish anything in his life. What a Coward and a Loser he was! He corp shoul be feed to the vultures. May his soul burn in hell for eternity. And to those who are raising money to bury him you people have nothing better to do with your time or resources. My Sincere and heartfelt Sympathy to the Anthony Family. Claudia was a kindhearted person, and May her soul rest in Perfect Peace.
The fact is, only two people and God know the truth. The two are dead and God will never tell. I am really not a fan of having all these stories out there without verification. Let God be the Judge and may their souls rest in peace.
What! how could you my dear?
Well this is a lesson to all of us, had it been a white woman people would have said so many things, but this shows that we all are human beings no matter white or black besides this is America!May the good Lord be with the kids Amen.
I worked with Claudia and she was very sweet, it’s seems like everyone is giving the him all the praise and blessings, when she was the victim… Whether she had other relations or not, it states in the Bible “Thou shall not Kill” no one deserved to loose their life, and a true man of God would have know when to just let go, instead of pushing himself to the end of his “ropes”… Claudia to whom was a mother and a provider…What went one in their household no one will ever really know the complete truth about it… Prayer’s and Blessings go to Claudia’s children and family…!
plz stop judging peoople show different from the outside but stay with them for yr you can tell who the are. my husband is the the nicest outside but devil at home. so plz let not point fingers let pray for the children and take care
May their souls rest in perfect peace.
What a sad story! May their souls rest in peace.God is loving and merciful and He will raise the two children.We praise His name for saving them from the violence. Sierra Leoneans what are we about, foreigners in a foreign land? Can we just adore worship and glorify God Almighty with our lives? Our parents sacrifce a lot to put us on the right path but what do we do?