A Mayor is a leader of a city, or a municipality, sometimes just a figurehead and sometimes a powerful position. In some countries like sierra Leone, A Mayor is elected by the citizens, or(others) by the city council. In either ways, A mayor figure should be a person that is well accustom with the needs and challenges of his people, and has the necessary dexterity and experience to lead his people towards better days. One person that has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is equal to this task/responsibility is *Prince Harold Thorpe.* The 16th America President, Abraham Lincoln once said, “All men can withstand adversity but when you want to know the true character of a man give him power”. Prince epitomizes such personality to be trusted with power.

Prince Harold Thorpe* was born and raised in Freetown; son of the soil, a place he is very much passionate about. He is a model of humility and humanity, a character that leads him to dedicate and to commit his earlier life to the services of mankind up to date. Prince Thorpe has made an indelible mark in Sierra Leone and Freetown in particular; Apart from the fact that he has helped people countless times, served as a consultant in engaging people, mentoring, counseling and modeling people. formed NGO and supported other NGOs geared towards empowering youths and children, helped in the fight against Ebola, among others, he has also over the years, relentlessly and assiduously worked to build a good future of Freetown. His determination to make Freetown a better place forms the nucleus of his life.

Prince background in Project management is akin to his nature. Throughout his education, Prince volunteered and worked to help Freetown and Sierra Leone Better. This has made him the best candidate for the FCC mayoral office. His desire and effort to bring more projects in Sierra Leone is in continuous tense.

*Prince Thorpe* appreciates and thanks president koroma for making youths as priority in his government. “I Prince Thorpe wants to personally thank our dear president EBK for changing that trend by appointing young people into his administration. We, the young people have a different perspective and host of different ideas. By allowing us to participate in politics, we could be opening and Moving Sierra Leone ‘s political world forward. This is not only good for our society but also very necessary”, he said.

Equally important, the United Nations-UN has placed youths as priority in the sustainable development goal agenda. In similar vain, the 44th president of united state, Barack Obama rightly puts that “youths are leaders of today(not tomorrow any more) Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the one we have been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

In lieu of this wonderful prepositions, many political pundits, analysts and observers have seen *Prince Thorpe* aspiration to succeed the current Mayor as the right political decision on the right time. His political effort has been regarded has a compliment of modern social- Political trend of the world.

“There will never be a moment exactly like this moment, there will never be another APC that is exactly the same as ours. We are unique, this moment is unique, Let not waste this moment on limiting thoughts. Let’s appreciate the beauty of this each moment and never take another second for granted. Let’s continue to shine APC lights on the world. Let’s continue to explore with we the youth. Let meet new people and tell them about our great party. So ladies and gentlemen let enjoy our journey and believe that better is indeed possible at Freetown City Council with me, Prince Thorpe as Mayor”. He said.

Prince continues to to seek the blessings of the party hierarchy and mayor makers to entrust him with the mayoral symbol in the forthcoming election. Prince Thorpe recognizes and appreciates the good work of the past and current Mayor. He wants to succeed as the next Mayor of Freetown. The new political hope, Mosses/Redeemer – Prince Thorpe, “better is indeed possible at Freetown City Council with Prince Thorpe “, he maintained.

In Abraham Lincoln voice, Prince Harold Thorpe has this to say, “the struggle of today is not all together for today- it is for a vast future also”.

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