John Baimba Sesay
Governance calls for the collective involvement of the people. Without their active participation, elected officials will find it difficult having a complete run of what they intend doing whilst in governance. The masses do have a moral and societal duty to, first, elect those who administer them, and then support them to effectively administer the affairs of state. But then, another crucial issue s that of expectations from the masses. In some cases it comes through people who profess to take the podium on their behalf- civil right groups, political though some may be, but acting like sheep in wolf’s clothing. But where a ruling Party has been of success, meeting those expectations, it becomes imperative for it to be re-elected.
With barely days to the general elections, with the governing APC, under the leadership of President Ernest Bai Koroma, having made great impact in the last ten years, there is the need to return it to governance though with a different player, in the person of Dr. Samura Kamara. We should collectively as a nation come together to build on the gains made, sustain the president’s legacy and above all appreciate him for the successes of his governance period.
Yes challenges do still exist but a very long way we have come! President Koroma has successfully opened up our country, which is today playing a crucial role on global affairs and in ensuring peace in sister African nations. From Darfur, Sudan, to Somalia, Sierra Leone has helped ensure stability in those parts of the continent. Sierra Leone, as chairman of the African Union Committee of ten on the reform of the Security Council, has led negotiations on the issue of fair global representation. We have, today, better ties of corporation with countries like China as a result of the special bond of friendship that exists between the present leadership of the two countries.
We have had an improved infrastructure, with impressive road networks across the country. The government has ensured economic growth despite the twin challenges of Ebola and drop in price of commodities like Iron Ore. Our two growth roadmaps in the last ten years, ‘Change’ and ‘Prosperity’ have had their better side of things from the perspective of country development. Energy generation and distribution has been successful, thanks to the special attention this sector had just when this government was elected ten years ago. Politically, the holding of regular election is one noble democratic credential we have sustained, added to the conducive environment we have enjoyed over the years for the practice of multiparty democracy. Development and economic growth cannot be achieved without stability especially political stability. This has been ensured in the last decade.
Yes, just few days for us to decide on who should occupy the seat of power. But until we come to terms with the fact that electing any party other than APC would mean reversing the gains made, it will remain a challenge for us all.
Dr. Samura Kamara has been a lead player in the country’s drive to economic growth and post war development efforts with his background in finance and development cooperation for decades. He has successfully built a “strong foundation in diplomacy, macroeconomic, public finance, central banking and financial sector policy analyses and reforms” and has also had years of experience in International Economic Cooperation, and Partnership Agreements with bilateral and multilateral development agencies.
He has positioned, both as finance and later foreign minister, Sierra Leone’s international profile for years to come, having succeeded in lifting the bars of cooperation ties between his country and her development partners and friendly nations. His level of global interactions with countries like China, the UK and others would mean an easy ride for us when it comes to international issues. He has been part of the country’s growth process and has played leading roles. He remains committed to fostering better ties of cooperation globally. He is better placed to build on our gains and above all protect the legacy of this PRESIDENT and GOVERNMENT. Voting him will be the best we could do.
A vote for Dr. Samura Kamara should also lead to a vote for all Parliamentary and Council candidates. We should not only have the presidency, we should go for a parliamentary majority. We should work towards winning majority of the local council seats, mayoral seats and seats for chairpersons of councils. We should push for an overall victory! The Party is to the state as the masses are to the process of ensuring good governance. It takes the people to vote a government but it also crucially takes a performing Party to be voted into governance so as to meet the expectations of the masses. The APC is a mass Party that feels with the people. A Party that feels with and for the people is all we need now than ever.
Vote Dr. Samura Kamara and the APC in a bid to build on what the country has achieved under the presidency of Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma. Your vote should ensure continuity of growth for a better tomorrow!