Your Excellency,
On behalf of my family, I whole heartedly congratulate you for your success in recent free, fair
and credible elections conducted in our beloved country by Sierra Leoneans. This demonstrate
political maturity of our nation and removes the cloud of darkness and thinking of those who do
not know what we as Sierra Leoneans stand for. The praise for the peaceful outcome of the
elections belongs to all Sierra Leoneans in respect of our different political affiliations; we
should now put all our differences aside and support the Captain of the State to continue to
steer the ship to a calm waters that we would all feel safe and proud of.
Your Excellency, your peaceful record and determination to development our country
speaks for itself and a clear manifestations for what you intends to do for your country. This
wonderful country… Sierra Leone which we all belong to has come a long way, now that we are
on the right track and have seen the light at the end of the tunnel, we pray that Almighty Allah
continues to guides and protects as you performs your sacred duties in spreading developments
throughout the country so that we would continue to be proud and put our heads up and say
(I am a Sierra Leonean) putting the dark days of the civil war behind with no reservation. This
Duty is not for you alone but sincere support from every Sierra Leonean.
Ambassador Mohamed T.Diaby ( Fort Worth, Texas, USA)
Author: Diplomatic Journey Through A Rugged Road
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