By Kabs Kanu
The Sierra Leonean public official of today has no moral principles or integrity .
MORAL INTEGRITY has sunk so very low in a country once known as the Athens of West Africa and the Beacon of Light of Africa that the very Sierra Leoneans no longer have any respect for their own degrees and certificates issued by their country’s universities, colleges and institutions of learning.
Nor do Sierra Leoneans respect anymore the integrity of their judiciary, with justice now going to the highest bidder. All the country’s moral, social and integrity institutions like the mosques, churches, civil society organizations , media , Parliament etc. have all become tainted by political opportunism and the love of money and power.
Just look at the people being hailed by the Sierra Leone community and you will see how comically, shamefully, shamelessly and scandalously integrity and morality have fallen in our sad and sick country.
Were you SLPP supporters not the very ones exposing Victor Foh and Alpha Kanu as thieves yesterday ?
Did you not nickname Victor Foh VICTOR ARATA and VICTOR VOUCHERGATE ( For his role in the greatest public funds robbery ever in Sierra Leone )? Did you not nickname Alpha Kanu ALHAJI ABUJA after he criminally siphoned almost a million dollars from pilgrims headed for Mecca and abandoned them in Abuja, Nigeria ? How much more cursed can somebody be ? Even Victor Foh was cited by his own then APC party for chopping thousands of dollars meant for pilgrims to Mecca which brought more heartache for pilgrims as they got abandoned and many of them slept for days on cold, dirty floors.
Why are you hailing both men – VICTOR FOH AND ALPHA KANU— today ? Because they are abandoning the APC, which they also exploited criminally to enrich themselves further , and joining your party, the SLPP ? So, criminals are no longer criminals once they align with your political party ?
SLPP, you have become a shame to humanity. The founding fathers of your party will be quaking in their graves for the shameful manner you have reduced the SLPP to a dumping ground for all kinds of criminals and social rejects in your unending quest to get at the APC.
Don’t you know that the reason both men have quickly jumped ship to join your party is their deceptive ploy to stop President Bio from impounding their ill- gotten properties and money and punishing them for their crimes against the state when they served the APC ?
Even the very Alpha Kanu and Victor Foh are demonstrating no better examples. They too lack moral principles and integrity for joining the SLPP , a party they derided as a criminal cartel while they were members of the APC.
What about Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella ? What has happened with KKY is a manifestation of the serious malaise facing our nation. It is a country you can circle whole day looking for just one man and woman of integrity and you will find none. Political opportunism and the corrosive lure of materialism, self- gratification and the love of money have taken a devastating toll on men and women of the land. Now, it is no longer the interest of the nation beating in the hearts of our people. It is how much they can siphon from the national coffers and what a best way to do so than to join the gravy train..
KKY would have brought value to himself and the nation as the revered leader of a mighty Third Force to break the historic duopoly of the SLPP and the APC. But it was too good to happen. Yumkella had to show his true and real colours. He knows he has nothing to offer working for an irredeemably corrupt, blood- thirsty , human rights abusing and tribalistic cabal that has spent 5 long years taking our nation to the cleaners. But would he care ? KKY has never been his own man and he never had anything good up his sleeves for our nation, except revenge for perceived evils done to his corrupt father by the Siaka Stevens APC and it was only a matter of time before he bent himself out of shape with foolish excuses and jump on the bandwagon of the Bio gravy train.
Rats desert a sinking ship. KKK has done just that to our sinking nation. What a shame when men from whom much is expected fail.
There is therefore now no hope for Sierra Leone. Any country where you can hardly find one honest and principled politician, judge, lawyer, educator, parliamentarian , media man/ woman , imam or pastor , civil society activist etc. is bound to remain stuck in the mire of poverty and lack of development and political and economic transformation. After all, only good, honest and credible citizens build stronger and better nations. Sierra Leone does not have many of them and so the fate of the country will always remain sealed : We will be counted among the most backward nations in the world for eternity until better men and women of high moral scruples and integrity are born.