And we must continue moving forward. There is no turning back now. What we left behind must stay in the rear. What is back there is a nation of people that begged for what they can do for themselves. But no more begging as we move forward, because we are ready to unlock our potentials to care for ourselves. What we see in the rearview mirror is a nation of people whose land is bequeathed with the mineral resources to make the living standards of every household above average in the entire world. And we move forward ready to utilize these resources to make the Sierra Leonean lifesty envied and better than before. We noticed that there were many SWEBEHS in our past, who thwarted our forward progress. But now, we are determined to leave the nation-wreckers behind since they are unwillingly to change their scheming ways.
We say Ta-ta to our yesterday of doing without. And we welcome our tomorrow of having plenty. We say goodbye to our bloody past. And we warmly greet our resolve for lasting peace. We say adieu to systemic corruption. And we salute a new justice without favoritism, unfairness, and discrimination. We say farewell to idleness, laziness, helplessness, hopelessness. We came through the nighttime of our nation’s history with a strapping faith in God. And we move forward to a new dawn with the brawny hope that our daylight years are here at last. We say never shall we abuse and disenfranchise the women in Mama Salone. Empowering Sierra Leonean women is no longer an intention, but now a component of our committed action. We move forward parting company with an inferior education system. Our students must have access to superior learning in order to maintain our new well-to-do nation. We depart from the melancholies of youth unemployment. There is gainful employment available for our young people everywhere just over the cliff.
We stand at the precipice of a prosperous Sierra Leone. The walls of Jericho have crumbled. In plain sight are the promises of our land of prosperity. We do not grumble about how long it took us to get here. The opportunities we let slip only reminds us of mistakes we will forever avoid. We will no longer come to blows over the little because there are plenty of blessings for all. We cannot enrich our Uranium, but it means more wealth for our nation. We know about the oil reserves along our coastal waters, and shall use it for the betterment of our people and our nation. We move from free healthcare for pregnant women, to affordable healthcare for all. We enter with the confidence that diseases previously responsible for our deaths, shall never again have the final say so over our lives. We enter well poised to improve the quality of life for Sierra Leoneans. We stand at the precipice of a prosperous Sierra Leone.
We stand at the precipice of a prosperous Sierra Leone.From our vantage point, attending strictly to the business of prosperity shall make public all our blessings that come from God. Our hope is no longer to move mountains, because to scale the top of the mountain affords us the privilege to live up to our name-Lion Mountain. God has given us His vote of confidence. We have the go-ahead to uncover the untold riches in Sierra Leone. We have the acquiescence to acquire success without limits and abundance without hindrance. Sierra Leonean born professionals, please return home in service to the nation; there’s richness in the land for you. To feel sorry for Sierra Leone is no longer the mark of a true patriot. The nationalism in us now sanctions us to help Sierra Leone realize her full potential; this is now our national task. After our long-suffering, the New Sierra Leone is finally in sight. The prosperous Sierra Leone is just a few steps away. Let us walk forward as we work toward making our motherland a wealthy nation with well-to-do citizens. Welcome to the New and PROSPEROUS SIERRA LEONE. Let the riches flow and may the abundant blessings come forth. Lonta!
Solomon Sesay.
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