Abomination in Sierra Leone, as First Lady Fatima Bio and Co. halt church services in Kenema to permit secret society procession today, Pentecost Sunday


Church leaders in Sierra Leone have vehemently protested against the action taken by the First Lady of Sierra Leone , Mrs. Fatima Bio and  the authorities of Kenema- one of the strongholds of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) —to call off church services today, Pentecost Sunday, to permit a procession by a secret society that requires everybody to be indoors.

According to informed sources , the procession is held every time a leadership decision is about to be taken. The secret society ” Spirit ” has to come out.

Supporters of the ruling SLPP and the Bondo society denied that church services were banned. But many eyewitnesses said it was true—churches along the routes of the procession were banned from opening. Secondly, it was required of everybody to halt all activities and be indoors from 6am to 12pm , so how could church services be held in such circumstances ?



*Subject: Complaint about a plan resurgence of the “Kayndu” tradition and the Procession on Sunday 19th May, 2024 (PENTECOST SUNDAY).*


We, the undersigned representatives of the Body of Christ in Kenema, which includes KCPC, PFSL, KCC, Wailing-Women, Praying Women, Emerging Women, EPFK, and The Inter Religious Council, write to you with deep concern regarding the planned resurgence of the “Kayndu” traditional procession in Kenema city. This practice was banned from processing on Sundays by the late Paramount chief PC Alhaji Amara Vangahun and the Women’s Leader late Haja Massah Kaisamba in the presence of the church leaders in Kenema.

Historically, the “Kayndu” tradition has imposed severe restrictions on township activities, including a complete halt to all movement from 6: am – 12: pm. It is being alleged that the first lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone is behind this planned Sunday procession.

This restriction poses a direct threat to our constitutionally guaranteed rights, notably our freedom of movement and our freedom to practice our religion without interference.

As a city that holds Sunday as a sacred day for worship, any obstruction to our ability to congregate and perform our religious practices is unacceptable. We wish to remind the authorities that:
Freedom of Worship: According to the Constitution of Sierra Leone, every citizen is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. This includes the right to manifest and practice one’s religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice, and observance.
Freedom of Movement: The constitution also guarantees the freedom of movement, allowing citizens to move freely throughout the country and to reside in any part thereof.
Freedom of Association: Citizens have the right to freely associate and assemble, which is integral to our communal worship practices.

We, therefore, firmly oppose the reintroduction of the “Kayndu” tradition on Sundays especially this Sunday 19th May 2024 is very important as is one of the most important Christian date in our Christian calendar disregarding this annual commemoration of the descent of the holy spirit is the total disregard and disrespect of our Christian faith and it infringes upon these fundamental rights. We kindly appeal to the authorities to reconsider and halt any plans that would prevent us from exercising our religious freedoms and disrupt our regular Sunday worship.
We appeal to your office and all concerned authorities to recognize and respect our rights.

Thanks for your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Rev David S. Coomber
PFSL Regional Chairman
+23276 – 534088

Rev. Francis S.M. Kamanda
KCPC President
+23273 – 612088

Rev. Patrick Kpaka
EFSL Regional Coordinator
+23276 – 079787

Apostle Ezikel K. Amara
EPFK President
+23276 – 757443

Alhaji Sheku Kamara
Chairman inter religious council
Eastern Region
+23276 – 643376


– Interreligious Council
– Pentecostal Fellowship of Sierra Leone (PFSL)
– Peace Commission
– Evangelical Fellowship of Sierra Leone (EFSL)
– Intercessors for Sierra Leones (IFSL)
– Council of Churches Sierra Leone (CCSL)
– Legal link Sierra Leone
– Inspector General of Police Sierra Leone
– Sierra Leone broadcasting Cooperation (SLBC)

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