Marcella Samba, the Key to Unlock SLPP President Bio’s Electoral Fraud, Declared Wanted
The daylight robbery by the regime of SLPP President Bio has rendered the NEW Director Marcella Samba-Sesay dead or alive, but preferably alive.
This is due to the fact that Madam Marcella Samba-Sesay, the National Elections Watch NEW boss is the key that will unlock the electoral criminality committed by the Bio regime in connivance with the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone Chairman Mohamed Kenewui Konneh. It is clear that the June 24, 2023 elections were stolen publicly by ECSL to allow Maada Bio to win the polls. Being that Marcella Samba has the correct results which she is determined to release, the Bio presidency is jittery that would expose their thievery. As a consequence, Marcella Samba is declared wanted and she is presently in hiding. The main opposition APC party candidate Dr Samura Kamara is the real winner, no wonder every international observer has questioned the conduct of ECSL. Based on the information issued by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone regarding partial election results from 60% of polling stations across the country, and using the disaggregated data by district, National Election Watch is able to confirm that, so far, the portion of results announced by the electoral commission match NEW’s PRVT when taking into account an equal portion of the PRVT results. We wish to thank the Commission for providing data disaggregated by district, which increased transparency of the process and can build confidence for the remaining process. The results announced by ECSL are based on 60% of polling stations in each district but do not represent 60% of the total votes cast in each district because polling stations vary in size. For example: (Photo: Sierra Leoneans appreciate Marcella Samba).
- In Kailahun, the valid votes cast in the 60% of polling stations announced represent 80% of the registered voters in the district;
- In Bombali, the valid votes cast in the 60% of polling stations announced represent 71% of registered voters in the district;
- In Port Loko, the valid votes cast in the 60% of polling stations announced represent 66% of registered voters in the district;
- In Bonthe, the valid votes cast in the 60% of polling stations announced represent 71% of registered voters in the district; and
- In Western Area Urban, the valid votes cast in the 60% of polling stations announced represent 44% of registered voters in the district.
However, NEW affirms that all ballots have not yet been counted. Based on our PRVT findings and the ECSL data announced thus far, we are confident that once all votes are counted with integrity:
- Voter turnout will be 77.3% +/- 1.7% (between 75.4% and 79%); and
- No candidate will reach the constitutional threshold of 55% of votes cast in the first round.
NEW’s PRVT data, which is the basis for this projection, will be made available to the public subsequently. For the 2023 elections, NEW trained and deployed 6,000 observers across the country covering every polling centre. Of these observers, 750 were specially trained and deployed to a statistically representative sample of polling stations across all 5 regions and 16 districts in Sierra Leone using the Process and Results Verification for Transparency (PRVT) methodology. (Photos: NEW and ECSL letters).
The PRVT allowed NEW to assess the quality of election-day processes and independently verify the official election results announced by the Electoral Commission for Sierra Leone (ECSL). NEW’s 2023 PRVT is successfully consolidated findings that are representative of all polling stations at a national scale. National Election Watch (NEW) is a coalition of local and international organizations in Sierra Leone. SLPP applies for an injunction to block Marcella Samba-Sesay from publishing the 2023 election results
The SLPP has applied for an injunction to stop NEW and Marcella Samba Sesay from publishing the results in their possession. The said injunction is in relation to her statement on Radio 98.1 this morning, Monday 26 June 2023, wherein she stated that they (Marcella Samba-Sesay and others) will have to publish their results. However, she said so with a condition that she (they’ll) only be waiting on ECSL to execute their mandate first. She emphasized that she hopes that ECSL will not announce something different from theirs! Why is the SLPP afraid of cross-checking the results of ECSL? This is the million-dollar question Sierra Leoneans are curious to know.
And now that Sierra Leoneans have heard the leaked audio in the Port Loko tally center with Hon Ibrahim Kemoh Sesay, ECSL, and other elections stakeholders, there’s every reason for ECSL Commissioner Konneh to be very careful not to announce the wrong results that will plunge this country into another war. A senior SLPP member was saying that when Konneh announces victory for them, they know that the APC will put up a fight but that fight will not last beyond a week! IF THIS IS WHAT THEY BELIEVE AND COMMISSIONER KONNEH BELIEVES THE SAME, BE REST ASSURED THAT THEY HAVE MISSED IT ALL BECAUSE THE APC WILL NEVER AGAIN SETTLE FOR LESS THAN THE VERDICT OF THE PEOPLE ON THE JUNE 24 ELECTIONS AND THE RESULTS WHICH MARCELLA SAMBA-SESAY AND OTHER STAKEHOLDERS NOW HAVE IN THEIR POSSESSION. Again the world will know that the APC will not settle for anything less than real and truly certified results. And no amount of intimidation will stop us from getting what we have rightfully won. The song of RAGGA SPICE says: IF DEM SAY WAE WE SCORE WE GOAL DEM GO DISALLOW AM… E-GO MONA DEM would now come to play. Mek SLPP dae dance fos, we dae ready for the grand final.
Courtesy: NATIONAL ELECTION WATCH – A Coalition of Civic and Non-Governmental Organizations – 2 MIK Drive, Murray Town, Freetown. +232-76-737-231 | [email protected] – 27th JUNE 2023 – PRVT UPDATE: PARTIAL ELECTION RESULTS RELEASED BY ECSL.