Electoral Fraud and Lack of Transparency: A Threat to Democracy.
By Andrew Kamara-Secretary General All People’s Congress Party (APC) Sweden🇸🇪
Friday, June 29, 2023.
The integrity of elections is the bedrock of any democratic society. Elections are meant to be fair and transparent process through which citizens can choose their representatives and leaders. However, electoral fraud which among others includes lack of transparency poses significant threats to the democratic ideals we all hold dearly.
The recent electoral fraud as carried out by the Chief Electoral Commissioner and Chairman of the Electoral Commission of Sierra Leone (ECSL) Mohamed Konneh, ranged from voter suppression and ballot tampering to manipulate the outcome of elections’ results. Voter fraud was manifested by the very shambolic voter identification cards, the deliberate delay in supply of ballot papers and the logistical chaos created by the commission in distributing election materials across the country. All these elements compounded an overt suppression tactics, such as the imposition of strict identification requirements or purging voter rolls.
This had adverse effect by disproportionately marginalizing opposition communities and hinder their ability to exercise their democratic rights as enshrined in our constitution. Similarly, ballot tampering, including the destruction or alteration of ballots, undermines the will of the people by distorting the true outcome of the June 24 election results. The manipulation of the electoral results was visibly demonstrated by Mr Mohamed Konneh throughout the electioneering process. His refusal to publicise the disaggregated voter register underpins his determination to skew and manipulate the electoral process.
The Citizens of Sierra Leone are kindly reminding our moral guarantors of the negative consequences of this electoral fraud which is far-reaching and detrimental to the democratic process in the continent of Africa. This is a worrisome situation especially when neighbouring Liberia is just few months away from conducting it’s general elections. Evidently, the Citizens of Sierra Leone strongly believed that the election was rigged and overturned by Mohamed Konneh in favour of his cohort Julius Maada Bio. Such unconstitutionality fervently questioned the trust of the shambolic electoral process conducted Mohamed Konneh and thus undermines the legitimacy of elected officials. This flawed behaviour of Mohamed Konneh and ECSL, has the propensity to conjure social unrest, undermines the integrity of future electoral process in the country, has the capacity to promote political instability and helps to facilitate a deeper political polarisation in the country. Furthermore, electoral fraud can perpetuate systemic inequalities by suppressing the voices of marginalized groups in the country.
Ultimately, electoral fraud strongly undermines the very essence of democracy which has undeniably disenfranchised the collective will of the Citizens of Sierra Leone.
It is imperative to note that transparency is a vital component in safeguarding the integrity of elections. It ensures that the electoral process is open to scrutiny and that citizens can have confidence in the fairness and accuracy of the results. It further legitimizes the election outcome and the authority of the victors. Transparency involves providing access to information, allowing independent observation of the electoral process and ensuring accountability for any irregularities. By promoting transparency, governments and election authorities will build trust for the process.
To enhance transparency in elections, several measures must be taken.
First and foremost, election laws and processes should be clear, accessible, and easily understandable to all citizens. This includes clear guidelines on voter registration, identification requirements, the counting and reporting of votes. Secondly, independent election observers, both local and international should be given unfettered access to scrutinize the entire process. That is, from voter registration to the announcement of results. This was not the case in the Mohamed Konneh led electoral process.
Additionally, election authorities and District Elections Managers should regularly publish detailed reports on the conduct of elections especially when the District serves as the litmus of the June 24 elections, including data on voter turnout, the number of rejected ballots, and any reported irregularities. This information must be readily available to the public and the media to avoid disrepute and the circulation of misguided information.
Finally, electoral fraud and lack of transparency pose significant threats to the democratic ideals we all cherished. Such unconstitutional and foggy practice undermine the citizens’ trust in the electoral process, perpetuate inequalities, and erode the legitimacy of the elected officials. To safeguard democracy, it is phenomenal to combat electoral fraud through robust measures, including the promotion of transparency and accountability. By enhancing transparency, governments can ensure that elections are fair, inclusive, and thus reflect the will of the people. It is only through such efforts that we can protect the fundamental principles of democracy and secure a brighter future for all.
I remain,
the undisputed patriot-Comrade Andrew Kamara.
by: *Hassan Mixer Kebe*🕋
There’s enough evidence gathered from the recently conducted June 24th presidential, parliamentary & local council elections that the announcement of the presidential candidate of the ruling SLPP Julius Maada Bio as the winner and his declaration as president by the ECSL returning officer, Mohamed Konneh was undemocratic.
However, prior to ECSLs conduct of the elections, the leadership of the main opposition party, APC was aware that its chairman, the Inspector General of Police ( IGP) & the Head of the Armed Forces were SLPP members, yet, APC participated in the elections with a view to emerging victorious, taking governance and strengthening the country’s beleaguered economy.
Sadly, elections malpractices were reported by both national and international observers, as well as the opposition APC party, following Mohamed Konneh’s announcement of the results in favour of Julius Maada Bio and declaring him as president of Sierra Leone ; a declaration which has raised international concern about the abuse of democracy, stage managed by the falsely declared winner Bio; an action that aptly describes him as a “dictator” who has emerged in what was one of Africa’s most peaceful and law abiding nations which he, Bio has now degenerates into a lawless nation, due mainly to the high spate of extrajudicial killings perpetuated by his blood thirsty local militia and state security forces against innocent people and members of the opposition APC !
For the purposes of restoring democracy, dissociating the APC from any general belief that it accepts the election results and building hope in the minds of APCians, I would expect the APCs leadership to see reason and file a petition against ECSL in the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone within the 7 days period announced by the ECSL boss, Konneh.
One could argue here that the judiciary of Sierra Leone isn’t independent and therefore is under the ‘whims and caprices’ of “dictator” Bio, thus making it easy for him to twist the arms of the Chief Justice, Babatunde Edwards behind his back to overturn the petition just like he did to Konneh to falsely announce the election results in his favour and declare him president of our nation.
However, the above argument mustn’t negate the APC leadership ‘s right to file a petition against ECSL; not least when this will justify that *APC MUST NOT BE DEFEATED* and by extension, demonstrations planned by Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora will create the necessary impact to the international community and world governments who are yearning to save democracy from the hands of bad politicians globally, including “dictator” Bio!
*In the struggles of the APC there’s victory!!!*