Subsequent to my appearance on the “Podium” programme on the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation, on 7th January 2015, I have concluded that it is necessary for me to issue this Press Release so as to address the apparent ambiguity and misunderstanding some of my comments on said programme have inadvertently caused.
In this connection, let me at the onset unequivocally register my unwavering support for overall government policy and the prodigious stewardship of His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma, on all matters, including the imposition of a ban on the use right hand vehicles.
I wish to also make it unambiguously clear that as an incumbent senior government official, I have steadfastly sought to uphold and defend all government policies, and with specific reference to the imposition on the use of right hand vehicles, I have been an ardent supporter and communicator of this policy to the sizeable Diaspora Sierra Leone community in the United Kingdom, where I serve.
In light of the two preceding declarations, I unreservedly apologize to His Excellency the President, the Government and people of Sierra Leone, for any appearance of deviation, real or otherwise, from the principles articulated therein as a consequence of my comments on the Podium. Any such perceived deviation from the above, must be viewed as an honest attempt on my part (even if it was miscalculated) to suggest plausible means to augment the implementation of government policy, including the capture of strongly expressed views of the Diaspora Sierra Leone community in the United Kingdom.
Let me conclude by making it emphatically clear that I am not nor have I ever been opposed to the policy on the use of right hand vehicles.
Last, let me take this opportunity to thank the President copiously for his steady leadership, remarkable foresight and perseverance in the midst of the unprecedented challenges we continue to face as a nation.
Edward M. Turay
High Commissioner of Sierra Leone to the United Kingdom
28th January, 2015