APC 2018 winning team is announced : Samura Kamara and Chernor Maju Bah, alais Chericoco

YESTERDAY was another momentous day in the nation when the All People’s Congress ( APC ) chose as their flagbearer for next year’s presidential elections Dr . Samura Kamara, the quiet, soft-spoken Foreign Minister, who has a remarkable record for diligence, commitment, hard work and moral scruples in public service.
President Koroma won thunderous applause in the hall when he made the announcement after two days of gruelling consultations among the 27 contestants and the party’s National Advisorry Council ( NAC ) in one of the biggest gatherings of the party ever –The 2017 Delegates Convention–at the Ernest Koroma Hall of the majrstic APC building in Makeni, the capital city of Northern Sierra Leone.
Dr. Samura Kamara will be an enigma to Sierra Leone’s opposition during the electioneering campaign for the March 7, 2018 elections as they will have nothing to fault him with, because after serving three different governments and international institutions and organizations, Dr. Kamara has a record that is as clean as a whistle. He has never been named before nor has he ever been involved in any public misconduct or corruption. In fact, it was under him as Minister of Finance that Sierra Leone became the country with the second highes growing economy in the world.
Dr. Samura Kamara enjoys tremendous local and international respect and goodwill.
I WROTE the following in COCORIOKO about him on June 29, 2017 : “He served efficiently as Financial Secretary in the Ministry of Finance during the era of President Tejan Kabbah . After that, he was appointed Governor of the Bank of Sierra Leone when President Koroma came to power in 2007 and again he performed exceptionally to the extent that the President elevated him to the position of Minister of Finance. Once again, Dr. Kamara starred very well in that capacity and President Koroma next decided to place in his competent hands the mantle of Sierra Leone’s international politics and diplomacy when he appointed him Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.”
“Dr. Kamara’s immaculate public service has not been confined to the shores of Sierra Leone alone. His international experience is even more astounding as he worked for the IMF as the Alternate Executive Director for African Group 1 Constituency . ”
“After a brilliant performance there, Dr. Samura Kamara worked for the Commonwealth Secretariat as Senior Economic Adviser in the Economic Affairs Department and then as Chief Program Officer.”
“Dr. Samura Kamara has proved his mettle as a local and international economic cooperation and development expert and reformer and as an accomplished international diplomat presiding over bilateral and multilateral agreements both for the international agencies he has worked for and his nation.”
“As I said earlier, it is difficult to find a public official like Dr. Samura Kamara with a well-rounded professional accomplishment spanning all significant areas of governance and leadership . ”
Dr. Kamara is described in his profile as “a development economist with a strong foundation in diplomacy, macroeconomic, public finance, central banking and financial sector policy analyses and reforms. He holds a Masters’ Degree (1980) and PhD (1986) from the University College of North Wales, BANGOR. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Economics from Fourah Bay College, University of Sierra Leone (1972). He served as Alternate Executive Director for Africa Group I Constituency in the International Monetary Fund (2006-2007). He worked in the Economic Affairs Department of the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, first, as Senior Economics Officer (1991-1994) and second, as Chief Programme Officer (1998-2001).”
“Throughout his career, Dr. Kamara has also actively participated in wide-ranging high-level international conferences, seminars, workshops and courses in economic, fiscal and financial management, project management, regional economic integration, ICT, leadership, management skills and media training. He has acquired many years of experience in international economic cooperation, and partnership agreements with bilateral and multilateral development agencies.”
“Prior to this new assignment, Dr. Kamara provided a strong intellectual and managerial leadership in articulating Sierra Leone’s most successful development strategies: the Agenda for Change (2008 – 2012) and the Agenda for Prosperity (2013 – 2018) ”
Social media analyst , Boye Jalloh Jamboria , said this of him : “Samura Mathew Wilson Kamara is a management consultant and understands the language is financial institutions and investors . He is the first economist to ever become leader ! He does not have to ask advice when he wants to talk with international bankers and investors. He understands the register of economics and language as loud as it is ever going to be said ! Sierra Leone needs such a leadership to get better deals and contracts ! Vote for progress ! Vote technocratic! ”
Dr. Kamara’s running mate is the young, brilliant and articulate lawyer, Mr. Chernor Maju Bah, popularly known as CHERICOCO., who is the Deputy Speaker of the Sierra Leone Parliament.
The Fulah Progressive Union has the following information about him in their website :
“Chernor Ramadan Maju Bah was born on Saturday April 29, 1972 Brookfields in Freetown to a Fullah family. He is Barrister Solicitor, politician and a philanthropist. He attended the Saint Edward’s Secondary School, King Tom, Freetown. He then further his studies at Fourah Bay College (FBC) and obtained an LLB with Honours in the Faculty of Law.”
“Chericoco as he is fondly called came to the limelight after the 2007 Elections representing Constituency 110 where he got the highest number of votes ever in the Western Area. He started manifesting his good leadership character at Fouray Bay College as a member of the Auradicals club by demonstrated leadership character as a member of the fraternity and also in Students’ Union Politics. ”
“One stark reality about Hon. Chernor Maju Bah is that he is loved and cherished by his people in Constituency 101 and beyond. The reason for his soaring image is the fact that he is destined as a natural mixture of people, drawing inspiration from both the elites and the grass-roots. No doubt that he spearheads the ruling government’s agenda for change as the prime-mover of people and things. That also portrays his philanthropic course, his profession as a lawyer and leadership traits as Member of Parliament. All in all, he has a living legacy to write home about as an architect of progress in his dispensations as a politician in Sierra Leone.
Thus the name Chernor M. Bah provides a magic wand also in parliamentary circles. As a Member of Parliament representing the All People’s Congress in Constituency 110 in Brookfields, the legal luminary to all intents and purposes, is one such Member of Parliament who has done a great deal in the democratic dispensation of the country as well as putting the constituency he represents to the height of development.”
“Residents of Brookfields, besides political patronage, can attest to the fact that Hon. Chernor Bah does not pay loud lip-service to his role as a Parliamentarian. His good works and deeds speak for themselves. ”
“Since voted in as a Parliamentarian, he has played an active role as Chairman of the Legislative and Mines and Minerals Committees in Parliament, a role he has always distinguished himself in fulfillment of President Koroma’s Agenda for Change. However, this pertinent parliamentary role has not pre-occupied his other political attributes to the sustainable development of the country. His humanitarian gesture knows no boundary: that within his own financial reach, he has been awarding scholarships to the needy in society and paying college fees for students and also providing jobs for the less-privileged. There is also more to it than meets the eye as he contributes to building bridges and water wells in his constituency, a feat he has achieved over the years amid hard work, commitment and dedication to duty as a Member of Parliament. Some of his sterling efforts to his constituency were the commissioning of three water dams within the vicinity of Yazebeck, at the back of Hill Station.”
“Besides the strings of humanitarian contributions, Hon. Chernor Bah has always been at the helm of affairs, serving in an esteemed capacity as Chairman of All Walks of Life (AWOL). He was in the thick of things on the heels of the 2011 Awards to twenty-six categories: comprising academic institutions, parliamentarians, media houses, parastatals, ministries, medical and legal practitioners, military and police officers of the year.
In 2012 he won his party symbol unopposed and was rewarded by voters for his hard work by voting for him as Member of Parliament and was also nominated and appointed unopposed as the youngest ever Deputy Speaker of House of Parliament in history of Sierra Leone. “
“He was the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Mines and Mineral Resources. He has also served as chairman for the legislative committee, the most important in the legislative arrangement.”
“Chernor Maju Bah, Acting President for Fullah for Peace and Development promised to work with the youth and the Fullah chief to promote peace, unity and development in the country. As acting President, he said he will embark on developmental projects to raise funds that would promote the Fullah community and the country at large. He added that he will ensure that all Fullah youth organizations in the country work under one umbrella to move development in Sierra Leone. ”

IT is a well-researched tourism book and travel guide on Sierra Leone, a tell-all book that describes everything you need to know about Sierra Leone -from her friendly people to all the various tribes, cultural practices. government, institutions. Places of interests in all the major cities including historical relics, beaches, night clubs, entertainment spots, hotels, motels, NGOs, civil society groups , media etc.you need to have it.
IT is called the BRANDT TRAVEL GUIDE. For those of you who know, it is the most authoritative travel guide for tourists and it features different countries and it is written by two of the most world-renowned tourism experts Katrina Manson and James Knight.
This book has said it — COCORIOKO and AWARENESS TIMES ARE THE BEST Sierra Leone newspapers online.
The book goes on to give us great commendation by saying that the real online highlight in Sierra Leone is COCORIOKO..
This is not the first time we have been internationally recognized. The Nigerian Master Web describes COCORIOKO as one of the most favourite online newspapers for the Nigerian reading public.
COCORIOKO has also received more awards than any other Sierra Leone newspapers. We have received almost all the famous awards out there- the NOSLINA AWARD ( Sierra Leone’s version of the U.S. Academy or Oscar awards), the Hall of Fame award from the Save Sierra Leone organization ; the Gems of Africa Award, the 50th Independence Anniversary Award and many more.
Please pop the champagne bottles for us. We know we have our detractors who think we PRAISE the present government too much, but what we say inn our rebranding crusade is true because President Ernest Koroma’s infrastructural and other socioeconomic developments are all there as evidence to be seen and secondly international organizations like the UN, EU, AU, DFID, IMF, World Bank etc. say the same things we write.
To keep COCORIOKO on top as the biggest and most widely read Sierra Leone online newspaper is not easy. I spend no less than $400 every month to sustain the paper. Cocorioko does not enjoy sponsorship from any other sources. Everything you see comes from my hard-earned pocket, so at least I should be encouraged for producing such a paper that is helping to rebrand our country and project a positive image of our nation. Sierra Leone deserves it. We mag have our challenges and foibles as a nation, but the world needs to see the beautiful side of our country.
We have helped promote investment and tourism and many Sierra Leoneans have received legal status and humanitarian assistance in the U.S because of our reports. We have evidence to prove these facts.
At times, people criticize me unfairly. If AMERICANS Europeans and other Africans see all this good in the newspaper, who cares about what negative Sierra Leoneans say ?
I set up COCORIOKO at FBC in 1973. All the people in power today , from President Koroma, down to the ministers , lawyers, politicians and ambassadors who attended Fourah Bay College in the early to mid 70s know the origins of this newspaper. They were there when I set it up in 1973.
We have registered the paper in Freetown and we will one day hit the newsstands in Sierra Leone. It is just a matter of time. We have not given up on our expansion plans.
We call on you all to continue giving us our moral support . We know we cannot please everybody and nobody or institution has ever pleased everybody.
We will continue to give off our best in the interest of the nation. It is not an easy job but we continue to thank God for his empowerment and strength.
Congrats to both Cocorioko and Awareness Times for this magnificent recognition by an international organization that is not involved in our politics. They looked at the standard of journalism we are providing and how many people read our papers before making this assessment, so we deserve it.
May God continue to empower us.
Beautiful Sierra Leone beats the world : Fastest growing tourist destination in the world

UNTIL recently this country was making headlines for all the wrong reasons.
It was devastated by a brutal, decade-long civil war, which destroyed much of its infrastructure and displaced two million of its residents.
Then it found itself at the epicentre of a global health emergency with the biggest ebola outbreak in history.
Crime, civil unrest and disease are still rife in Sierra Leone, but it has found some unexpected good fortune — it’s suddenly become the world’s fastest-growing travel destination.
That’s according to the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, which reports the West African nation welcomed a whopping 310 per cent more overseas visitors in 2016 compared to the previous year.
According to figures in the UK’s The Telegraph, there were just 24,000 overseas arrivals in Sierra Leone in 2015. In 2016, that number swelled to 74,400.
While it’s hardly the most visited spot in the world — Australia welcomed about 10 times that number of tourists in April alone — Sierra Leone is having a major popularity moment right now.
It topped the UN’s list for fastest-growing travel destinations ahead of Nepal (which has seen a growth of 39.7 per cent), Iceland (33 per cent), South Korea (30.3 per cent) and the Eastern European nation of Moldova (28.6 per cent).
The sudden spike in tourists arriving in Sierra Leone is likely due to the country being officially declared ebola-free by the World Health Organisation in March last year.
And while it’s a place perhaps best known for blood diamond infamy, resource-rich Sierra Leone boasts plenty of wonders for tourists.
It has stunning, white-sandy beaches and idyllic islands, including Banana Island and the Turtle Islands. It has one of the world’s largest natural harbours, as well as incredible savannas, rainforests — which are home to the elusive pygmy hippo — and glorious northern mountains.
The capital, Freetown, is a energetic city with plenty of tourist attractions, including museums, the historic Cape Sierra Leone Lighthouse and houses on stilts, a legacy of the country’s history as a British colony. English, and English-based Creole, are among the main languages spoken.
However, visitors to Sierra Leone should still tread with caution.
Although the country’s bloody civil war ended in 2002, there is still the threat of civil instability and rates of crime are high, especially violent assault and armed theft, including in Freetown.
Sierra Leone is now free of the ebola outbreak that claimed the lives of more than 4000 Sierra Leoneans alone.
However, the country is still listed as endemic for deadly yellow fever, and medical facilities in the country are limited.
Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recommends travellers exercise a high level of caution when travelling to Sierra Leone, and notes Australia does not have an Embassy or Consulate there. Travellers are advised to contact the Australian High Commission in Ghana instead.

Africa – Sierra Leone: 74,400 (up from 24,000)
The world’s fastest growing travel destination? According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), it’s Sierra Leone. Just 24,000 people visited Sierra Leone in 2015; while UNWTO doesn’t have complete data for 2016, that is expected to reach 74,400 for 2016 once all the sums have been done (an increase of 310 per cent).
Small numbers, of course (South Africa, the continent’s biggest draw, lured more than 10 million holidaymakers last year), but it’s a start.
What does Sierra Leone have to offer? “Amazing beaches, idyllic villages and smiling people,” says Gunnar Garfors, who has visited every single country on Earth and rates it among his 12 favourites.
It’s also an unlikely option for cycle tourism – the West Africa Cycle Challenge takes riders from Bo, Sierra Leone, to Monrovia, Liberia, raising money for the charity Street Child along the way.
Can I visit? Yes.

Friday 23rd June, 2017
Vice President, Ambassador Dr. Victor Bockarie Foh today joined thousands of mourners at the Miatta Conference Hall for the Civic Laying Out Ceremony and Signing of the Book of Condolence for the late Kama Dumbuya.
After signing the Book of Condolence, VP. Foh was invited, together with former Leone Stars Captain, Umaru Deen Sesay to present a replica Leone Stars’ jersey to the family of the late football legend.
In presenting the jersey bearing Kama’s favourite number 9, VP. Foh paid glowing tribute to the late goal-king, reminiscing on his good-old days on the pitch. He pleaded with the family not to mourn as unbelievers, but to rather celebrate the achievements of the legendary centre forward.
VP. Foh asserted that the late Kama Dumbuya was a member of the APC Party. He re-echoed the words of the APC Western Area Chairman, Capt. Alieu Pat-Sowe encouraging the family members to draw closer to the Party. He assured them that the APC does not forget its own and would therefore, not forget the family of a man who put Sierra Leone on the football map.
The late Kama Dumbuya, commonly known as King Kama changed time for eternity on Friday 16th June, 2017 at aged 79 years. He had today been buried at the Kissy Road Cemetery.
©PR/Social Media Coordinator
Office of the Vice President

- May 1966 , Antionette Tubman Cup series : Freetown , SIERRA LEONE 2, LIBERIA 1 ( The Sierra Leone Daily Mail reported that Sierra Leone won the cup during the previous year in Monrovia, but no result given ) Sierra Leone played with 10 men for over 70 minutes as Referee T.M.P Moore of Sierra Leone sent off Allie Teet Bangura for striking Sam Burnette.
- November 1966 : West African Gold Cup series : Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 1, LIBERIA 1 Sierra Leone rescued by a last minute penalty kick by Kabineh Kabba. It was dubbed the Wannibo Toe show as he and Mass Sarr were the men of the match. One of the best matches ever played between both countries and Liberia dominated it and won profound admiration from the Sierra Leone fans.
- November 1966 : West African Gold Cup Series : Monrovia : LIBERIA 2, SIERRA LEONE 0 ( Match ended in chaos as Sierra Leone complained about poor lights at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium and attack on their players by spectators : Umaru Sesay briefly arrested by Police . This game soured soccer relations between the two nations . However, inter-club friendly matches continued between the two countries
- October 1967 : Friendly International match : Monrovia : LIBERIA 1, SIERRA LEONE 1
- November 1971 : Reconciliation Match : Monrovia : LIBERIA 3, SIERRA LEONE 1 Another chaotic game as Sierra Leone protests against crowd trouble
- November 1971 : Second leg. Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 2, LIBERIA 0 : Chaotic match as Liberian players booed by Sierra Leone fans throughout the game
- April 25, 1976 : Friendly International match : Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 1, LIBERIA 0 Christiian Cole scored the only goal
- 1979 : Olympic Games Qualifying series : Freetown . SIERRA LEONE 3, LIBERIA 1. The Dyfan-Mazzola show. It was the match at the new Siaka Stevens Stadium which led to serious chaos , with Liberia protesting that Sierra Leone Police assaulted their supporters and Sierra Leone newspapers alleging that the Liberian players smeared their hotel rooms with human waste . This match caused a big furor in Liberia with Daniel Draper, Editor of the Liberian Age newspaper, in a very scathing editorial, calling for the dissolution of the Mano River Union and LEONE STARS failed to turn up for the second leg for fear of retaliation . Liberia given the points and played against Ghana in April 1980 during which their players were stranded for a week in Accra following the April 12, 1980 coup in Liberia
- November 1982 : Reconciliation Match : Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 0, LIBERIA 1 . Sam Sumo scored only goal for Liberia .
- October 1986 : African Nations Cup : Freetown. SIERRA LEONE 2, LIBERIA 1 : Sierra Leone scored stoppage time winner after Liberia equalized in the dying minutes. Sierra Leone earlier missed a penalty by Alusine Terry .
- October 1986 : African Nations Cup, second leg : LIBERIA 1, SIERRA LEONE 1 . Sierra Leone scored stoppage time equaliser from John Dumbuya. Sierra Leone also missed another penalty kick earlier through Gbassey Sesay . Sierra Leone went on to score one of her best results ever by eliminating the then African giants, GHANA , from the next round, winning 2-1 in Accra and drawing 0-0 in Freetown (when the desperate Ghanaians led by Anthony Yeboah and Abedi Pele, hit the goalposts thrice ). It was one of the golden moments of Sierra Leone soccer , as her champions club Mighty Blackpool , qualified for the Quarter-finals of the African Champions Cup that year against Setif of Algeria
- 1988 : Friendly match : Monrovia : LIBERIA 2, SIERRA LEONE 1 ; Solomon Joe of Liberia scored a cracking winning goal from 35 yards but it was the junior Sierra Leone national team, Shooting Stars , because that same day, the senior national team, Leone Stars , were playing Tunisia in the African Nations Cup in Freetown , which they won 1-0 with Lyndon Thomas scoring the only goal. The Liberian Daily Observer reported both matches side by side on its sports page, quelling speculation by Liberian fans that Sierra Leone was just making excuses.
- November 1988 : Mano River Union Three-nation Cup , Monrovia : LIBERIA 0, SIERRA LEONE 0 ( Sierra Leone won 5-4 on penalty kicks ) to play Guinea in the final, but lost 0-1 .
- December 1995 : Friendly match : Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 1, LIBERIA 0
- January 1996 : Friendly match. Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 2, LIBERIA 1
- February 2001 FIFA WORLD CUP : Monrovia : LIBERIA 1, SIERRA LEONE 0
- July 2001 : FIFA WORLD CUP : Freetown : SIERRA LEONE 0, LIBERIA 1
- April 2008 :Friendly match : Monrovia , LIBERIA 3, SIERRA LEONE 1

Mrs. Timbo-Nwokedi is in the spotlight once again. She has been very busy trying to woo business people in the U.S. to go and invest in Sierra Leone.
Her resolute and unflinching determination to improve the life of her people back home in Sierra Leone in the areas of basic health care services, education, and women empowerment is evident by the number of donations she has made in the last three years.
She has donated food, clothing, school books, and supplies worth thousands of dollars to schools at Rokulan, Royanka, and other villages.As a wonderful patriot and philanthropist, Isatu firmly believes in the words of the late J. F. Kennedy who once said: “Do not ask what your country will do for you, but what you will do for your country.” She encourages every Sierra Leonean in the diaspora to give something back, no matter how little or small, to the people of Sierra Leone.
Her ultimate goal in life, she told COCORIOKO, is to carry out actions that would make a positive difference in people’s lives. Her mission is to see that every citizen of Sierra Leone has the right and privilege of basic healthcare services and education while empowering the women of Sierra Leone for a better life and economic growth. May God bless Isatu Neneh Timbo-Nwokedi.

Since President Ernest Koroma came to power in 2007, Sierra Leone has tremendously made far more progress in fostering good international relations based on mutual understanding, cooperation and development.
Our relations with other countries , international organizations like the UN, DFID, EU, AU, ECOWAS etc and international stakeholders remain excellent and for this credit must be given to a President whose priority in diplomacy and international relations is not only to put Sierra Leone on the map of striving nations making admirable national development but to strengthen the friendly bilateral relations between our country and other nations, promote socio-political and economic cooperation, increase cultural exchanges and position the nation strategically to play a discernible role in the maintenance of international progress, peace and security.
President Koroma is presently out of the shores of Sierra Leone. He is on a visit to Saudi Arabia and Turkey .
In Saudi Arabia, Ambassador M.S. Kargbo, our envoy in that country, told Press Attache , M.B. Jalloh that the aim of the President’s visit is not only to thank the Saudi leadership for standing by Sierra Leone during critical moments like the 2014 Ebola outbreak, but “also to hold consultations with the King on a range of issues bordering on the two countries’ mutual interest in order to strengthen and deepen bilateral relations and cooperation between the two Governments and peoples.”
The Ambassador went on to say that : “The two leaders will also discuss the promotion of trade and investment; explore potential areas of economic and technical cooperation between the two countries.”
After President Koroma held fruitful talks with the Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed bin Naif bin Abdulazziz Al-Saud , Sierra Leone’s Information and Communications Minister , Mr. Mohamed Bangura , reportedly said that our nation stands to benefit a lot from the meeting.
From Saudi Arabia, President Koroma has gone to Turkey where he will meet with President Tayyib Erdogan . He is also expected to hold talks with the Turkish leader on economic, cultural and technical cooperation.
COCORIOKO hopes that the strong and fruitful legacies in international diplomacy and foreign relations being laid by President Koroma will be maintained by the next President who will emerge from the March 7, 2018 General Elections.
President Koroma has carved out a magnificent place for Sierra Leone in the international area and placed the nation in a strategic position to reap rich dividends from the social, political, cultural and economic partnerships with foreign nations and international organizations, all of whom hold us in high esteem. COCORIOKO hopes the next President will press home these advantages for the betterment of our people and generations yet to come.
Leslie Allen declares his candidacy for Parliamentary seat in Freetown
The former Chairman of the All People’s Congress North America Branch, Mr. Leslie Bob Allen , has declared his candidature for a parliamentary seat in Sierra Leone.
Mr. Allen ‘s father, the late Mr. Bob Allen, represented the constituency in Parliament during the reign of President Siaka Stevens in the 1970s and served as a cabinet minister . Mr Allen Sr. passed away on January 15 , this year.
Country men and women, friends, sympathizers, well wishers, family members and comrades from the All People’s Congress,
My name is Leslie Edward Allen a.k.a. “Silla Bob”; residing in the State of New York, USA. I have been an APC member since childhood and a member of the APC USA branch since 2002.
Within the years, I have held several positions within the branch. Currently, I am a senior adviser in the APC USA Advisory Committee. Prior to that, I have served as Branch Fund raising director, Branch Vice Chairman, Branch Chairman and Branch Interim Chairman on different occasions.
During these years, I have been working with my community back home in constituency 104 and feel that they are in dire need of someone like me (people’s person) who will help to improve their lives and make 104 a better place for them, their children and their children’s children.
In light of this, I, Leslie Allen hereby declare my intention to run in the 2018 General Elections as a Member of Parliament in constituency 104 in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Thank you and may God bless Sierra Leone.
Long live President Koroma
Long live APC
MARK THE DATE : Town meeting in Somerset New Jersey on Sunday April 30, 2017
Organization: Salone Community of New Jersey (SLCNJ)
Date: February 20, 2017
For Immediate Release
The Salone Community of New Jersey will be hosting a two day celebration of the 56th. Anniversary of Independence of their national country of origin, Sierra Leone.
Day one of the celebration will begin at 10 pm and ends at 4 am at the Holiday Inn, 195 Davidson Avenue, Somerset, NJ 08873.
The celebration continue on the second day of the anniversary celebration on Saturday, April 29, 2017: the Cultural Committee will present a medley of songs and dances after the flag hoisting and the Sierra Leone National Anthem at the Matilda Avenue Park in Somerset, New Jersey.
Khadija Nabie
Public Relations Officer {organizing committee}
Hindolo Barnett 848 565 4783
Alhaji Noah 732 322 8191
Alhaji Brima 609 819 5670
Donald Cline-Thomas- (732) 500-6660
DJ Archie- (201) 289-4372
Ishmeal Bangura 848 234 6194
Ms. Inez Konjoh 732 586 1568
Alhaji Samura – 7327638855
M’Balu Bangura – 732 6685667
James Kargbo -7329001769
Flavia Tucker 718-6859494
Ishmail Al-(609) 649-1114
Professor Sahr Gbamanja and Mrs. Bernadette Cole to hold meeting with FBC alumni in the U.S.
The Deputy Vice Chancellor of Fourah Bay College , University of Sierra Leone, Professor Sahr Aiah Gbamanja and former head of the Independent Media Commission ( IMC ), Mrs. Bernadette Cole, who is now chairing the University of Sierra Leone Alumni Secretariat, will be arriving in New York early next month on official business and will hold crucial meetings with Fourah Bay College alumni living in the United States .
University Professor Dr. Alusine Jalloh of the University of Texas, Arlington , who is also Founding Director of the University’s Africa Program, and Sierra Leone’s Minister Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, Rev. Leeroy Wilfred Kabs-Kanu, both of them alumni of FBC, will coordinate the meetings in the two states.
According to communications dispatched to both Professor Jalloh and Minister Kabs-Kanu, Professor Gbamanja will arrive in New York on Thursday May 4 at the invitation of Medger Evers College in Brooklyn to give a lecture and to sign partnership a Memorandum of Understanding on Friday, 5th. May. The Alumni meeting is scheduled for Saturday May 6 in New Jersey.
Professor Gbamanja will meet with the alumni and brief them on how the University celebrated the 190th Founders ‘ Day . They will view the full documentary film recently produced on FBC , titled “Team Athens: The Restoration of Fourah Bay College”.The film depicts the past and the present in the life of FBC.
It must be recalled that during the 187th Foundation Day of FBC in Freetown in 2014, Professor Gbamanja stated that there is a bright future for FBC and that authorities are working desperately to restore the university’s glories. The meeting with the FBC alumni in the U.S. is in connection with this enterprise .
Professor Jalloh and Minister Kabs-Kanu are calling on all alumni of FBC in the U.S to take note of this pending important meeting and to provide their fullest cooperation.
COCORIOKO and the PATRIOTIC VANGUARD newspapers will bring you full updates.
Freetown , the historic city that must preserve its historicity and uniqueness
WHAT everybody should never forget about Freetown is that it is a historic city, perhaps the most historic city of West Africa. The entire landscape , structure, names of streets , many places of interest , the markets, sea entry points and much of her infrastructure provide splendid lessons in history.
Because of the unique history of this city, and the imperative to preserve its historical significance and relevance for generations to come , a new capital city must evolve outside the capital’s precincts. Historic structures and places of interest must not be demolished . These are important facts to consider as we celebrate the 225th anniversary of this wonderful city.

Freetown is a significant relic of the history of Sierra Leone and Caribbean countries and those who understand and appreciate History will see instructive lessons in the ancient nature of the city. Nowhere is modernity juxtaposed with history as Freetown.

Krio, the language spoken on the streets of Freetown , is a historic linguistical masterpiece. It is a universal language that embodies the histories of many nations, not only Sierra Leone. Krio must be preserved in its most native form . It should not be “POTOMALIZED”( Anglisized, Westernized etc.) . I heard variants of Krio in the Caribbean that sounded very impressive in the depths
Another unique characteristic of Freetown is that it is such a natural structural masterpiece, built around hills, that it is one of very few capital cities in the world where you receive a stunning glimpse of her stunning coastline and the ocean from most parts of the city. In many cities of the world you have to travel out to the outskirts to have a glimpse of the sea, because they are built on flat land. Not Freetown. From your porch or balcony in Freetown, you are treated to the beauty of nature, a breathcatching panorama of expansive ocean , of barges, boats and ships sailing by and of fishermen thrillingly at work. Where else in Africa do you enjoy such aesthetic beauty from your porch ?
Freetown is synonymous with rich history and natural beauty . In Africa, it is the nearest imitation of the splendour of Caribbean countries where man has tried to rebuild paradise on earth. I have been to over nine Caribbean countries and every one of them reminded me of Freetown. St. Lucia is a brilliant carbon copy of Freetown with her beautiful, hilly settlements and magnificent coastline. It was from visiting Caribbean countries that I appreciated more the historical beauty of our capital and the significance of her infrastructure and of course the Krio inhabitants and their rich language and culture.
It is a thing of joy that some contemporary Sierra Leoneans interested in the preservation of history like Amadu Massally, Melbourne Garber, Bowenson Frederick Philips etc, not forgetting peace corps volunteers like Mr. Gary Schulze, are trying to hook our country back to her rich and glorious past ties with some of these Caribbean countries. I think I will join that crusade. Freetown must not lose her history and its significance.
It is also refreshing that the Creoles too are now galvanizing themselves all over Europe and the U.S. to form Krio descendant unions , a move designed to highlight and preserve their language and culture.
Freetown is richly and marvelously different from other cities of Africa because our history is different from their own. The natural structure of Freetown is redolent of her rich history. Those advocating that the whole city be broken down and rebuilt do not understand the significance of preserving history. Freetown can still be developed and beautified as President Ernest Koroma is doing without tampering with its historic structures and relics. If we want a more modern capital, we can start building one at Lungi or Hastings or Makeni or Bo.
That is why it is very idiotic of one presidential aspirant to say he will break down State House , rebuild it and paint it blue. For what purpose, one is tempted to ask ? FORT THORNTON , whatever name it assumes today, is one of the rich historical relics of Freetown that must be preserved.
Anybody close to nature will appreciate Freetown because nowhere do structure and life imitate nature like Freetown .
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Cassandra John · Friends with Albert Momoh and 23 others
In preparation for another pitch battle in the forthcoming 2018 elections, Cocorioko has made many structural changes and additions of more personnel on the ground in Sierra Leone to provide spectacular coverage of the elections once more.
One big change we have made that will please all our readers, contributors and correspondents is to have 15 main headline stories sliding now at the top, instead of only one as in the past. Correspondents and contributors who are prolific and send many articles used to complain that their articles were disappearing from the spotlight faster into the next columns. Well, no more. With 15 headlines now flashing at the top, their stories will spend longer time in the spotlight. Readers will also now have many big stories flashing before their eyes, instead of one and we hope to keep bringing you the big news.
Also, in our determination to provide powerful multimedia news packages, we have added TV coverage to the package. This time, we plan to have TV interviews and talk shows and features on the elections. We live in an age of CONVERGENT JOURNALISM, and so we have gone multimedia and will now present news in print, video and audio. SIERRA CAST TV is your new baby. Click on it at the top and see our past interviews and talk shows already.
We are still thinking of a print edition in Freetown but we do not see an urgent need now because those who understand media more know that media is now in the social media and print media are a disappearing trend. In 15 or more years, print media will be no more as more people get their news now from the social media, especially Whatsapp. If you have a robust social media presence, you can reach far more people than print newspapers do in Sierra Leone. We will make up by strengthening and broadening our social media outreach through which we are able to reach out to more people. We are going to strengthen our Facebook forums which, put together , now have over 200, 000 members who receive our news reports instantly. We also have a presence in Twitter, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Instagram and Tumblr and we now reach thousands of Sierra Leoneans at home, not to mention the diaspora. No print media in Sierra Leone reach 1, 000 readers a day. Media is in the social media now so that is where our concentration is presently. We will expand where we see the need.
We also have a column now called IN THE SPOTLIGHT where we will start to spotlight people making a difference in our community and nation. If you know anybody who is doing a great job and needs spotlight for the world to see how he or she is making a difference, let us know.
Also, we know that going by the new trends in journalism, readers are no longer passive as they used to be before the advent of the social media. Now, they too are news providers and they react to the news . Therefore, we are going to open an opinion column under every article so our readers can comment on the articles we provide them.
Our next project is an internet radio that will reach all the nooks and corners of Sierra Leone and the world. Look forward to the SierraCast/ Cocorioko radio network.
We are news leaders and we are determined to remain at the top as Sierra Leone’s biggest and most widely-read news media. .
We have therefore hired reporters on the ground to cover the elections for us first hand.
More changes are coming and who knows ? With the paper already registered in Freetown, we might try a print edition not as a necessity but just to add to our arsenal.
We therefore ask all our readers, fans and well wishers to pray for us. God is good and he has been good to us. We need his grace to continue navigating choppy waters.
Click on www.cocorioko.net now and see the changed newspaper we have now.
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