The commendation received by the Sierra Leone Government media in the United States —-KABS KANU and PASCO TEMPLE — and State House, Freetown –ABDULAI BAYRAYTAY and JARRAH KAWUSU KONTE —for its coverage of the United Nations General Assembly is highly appreciated by the Government International Media Network.
From President Ernest Koroma down to the Foreign Minister Dr. Samura Kamara , Information Minister Hon. Mohamed Bangura , Justice Minister John Fitzgerald Kamara, Sierra Leone’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Adekalie Foday Sumah; Majority Leader of Parliament, Hon. Ibrahim Bundu; the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Khadi Bassir , the Director of Open Government Initiative, Madam Khadija Sesay , the Permanent Representative of Sierra Leone to the African Union , Ambassador Osman Keh Kamara, the Deputy Permanent Representative for Political Affairs to the UN, Ambassador Felix Koroma , the DPR For Political Affairs, Ambassador Amadu Koroma , Presidential Spokesman, Abdulai Bayraytay, and other ministers , it was words of appreciation for the work done by the government’s media personalities during the GA.
It is not often that we the media are appreciated for our arduous, difficult and challenging job to keep the nation and the world up-to-speed about the activities of government, though Sierra Leone organizations like NOSLINA and political parties have been leading the way in giving awards to deserving journalists. Therefore , when the Powers -That-Be commend us, it is something to be enthused and proud about.
We are humbled by all the profuse manifestations and words of encouragement we received , even as we are yet to publish many more of the stories and photos we have compiled from the ongoing UNGA. We promise to continue to do our best for our President, country , government and party.
It is refreshing to note that this APC Government of President Koroma has lots of personalities who understand and appreciate the role of the media. There are some misguided ones who don’t and act pompous to the press , but an impressive number do. President Koroma himself, a friend and supporter of the media, in the true spirit of democracy and accountable and transparent governance , has always had a soft spot for the media, even the opposition press.
Could anyone believe that at the President’s suite in New York during his stay here, among the public officials , well-wishers, party stalwarts and diplomats jostling around there , there were also some journalists who have been the most bitter critics of President Koroma and the government ? It speaks eloquently of President Koroma’s democratic credentials that these journalists were there in the first place and were made to feel safe and welcomed and he even shook hands with them and held conversations with them. Some people say that on a regular basis President Koroma even bails out these opposition journalists when the go stark broke ! ! How many other Presidents have we had in Sierra Leone who tolerated the opposition media from even a long distance, not to mention hobnob with them ?
Whether people want to hear it or not, we make bold to state that President Koroma’s record of press freedom and tolerance of opposition media men and women is second to none in Sierra Leone.
We are humbled by the words of commendation and other gestures of appreciation . We will be motivated to do more and we hope our many challenges will be addressed eventually .