Embassy of the United States of America
Public Affairs Office
Freetown November 26, 2014
Contact: Hollyn Green
Tel: 076 515 000
FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE – Members of the media in Sierra Leone are cordially invited to
join U.S. Embassy Freetown for a free virtual Ebola Reporting Workshop, moderated by
Benedicte Paviot, France 24/BBC.
Doug Frantz, Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Dr. Roodly Archer,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Martin Enserink, Science Magazine,
Jonathan Hamilton, National Public Radio and Julia Belluz, Vox
Date: Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014
Time: 12:30 Pre-recorded. 1:00 Interactive Program begins. Concludes 3:30pm
Attribution: On the Record
Before the workshop, journalists are invited to submit examples of their reporting to the
trainers. Also, journalists may submit questions to the speakers throughout the workshop.
Members of the media who want to participate must RSVP to Information Media Assistant Wotay
Kamara via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 076-695-357. An US Embassy bus will
pick up journalists at 11:30 a.m. at Sierra Leone News Agency (SLENA) to take to workshop venue.
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