Many people are suspecting that it was thugs of the ruling Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP) who infiltrated the executive meeting of the opposition National Grand Coalition ( NGC ) and caused a big altercation that prevented the executive from voting to leave their broken pact with the SLPP and forced the pro- SLPP Police to disrupt the meeting.
The SLPP and the NGC last year signed a pact before the elections of June 24, 2023 to cooperate with and work with one another but the SLPP reneged on one of the agreements of the pact to offer ministerial and other top positions to the NGC after the elections.
Annoyed with the act of bad faith by the SLPP, the NGC had been having serious ramblings within to remove themselves from the failed pact with the SLPP.
But SLPP supporters within the NGC had always opposed the plans by the NGC to break the alliance. According to them, the NGC should be patient with the SLPP because it took time to provide vacancies to slot in NGC hopefuls.
The SLPP are well aware of the potential damage it would cause them if the NGC succeeded to withdraw from the alliance.Therefore, supporters had been bitterly opposing the plan .
As a matter of fact, two days ago, a Mr. Mohamed Koroma, who claimed to be a foundation member of the NGC threatened members of the party planning to withdraw from the alliance. He sent a lawyer to the NGC to warn them that the Acting Chairman of the NGC , Mr. Jesmed M. Suma , had acted ultra vires the party constitution to convene today’s decisive meeting, which he claimed was the prerogative of only the National Delegates Conference.
The Police are also being accused by Sierra Leoneans on social media of acting from orders from above to go and interrupt the NGC meeting.
This is the ugly state of democracy in Sierra Leone today under the tyrannical rule of President Maada Bio. We have government in power that does not honour agreements, pacts or alliances and depends on thuggery , perverse Police powers and dictatorial actions to impose its will on the people.
The Sierra Leone Police say no arrests were made at the headquarters of the National Grand Coalition (NGC) party where physical and verbal confrontations were reported to have ensued between party factions.
NGC was holding their quarterly National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting earlier today to decide on a very crucial issue – apparently the breaking off of the progressive alliance that exists between them and the ruling Sierra Leone’s People’s Party (SLPP), which was entered into in May 2023.
The alliance went shaky after the general elections, with a faction of the NGC accusing the government of not living up to the agreement and the party’s chairman and leader Jesmed F. Suma saying they were contemplating a court action.
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