Sierra Leone Goodwill Ambassador, Isatu Timbo Nwokedi was guest speaker at the 2nd Annual Donor Gala Banquet and Silent Auction last Saturday Evening. Mrs. Timbo was ushered in with the rostrum party, by Clayton Cameron Jazz band. In her speech Mrs. Timbo informed the audience that they are at the event because they care about the children of Africa.
She started are speech by addressing the need to bridge the digital divide in Africa especially in Sierra Leone. She informed the audience that access to computers and the Internet and the ability to effectively use this technology will change the lives of our children in Africa, economic, political and social life.
Isatu Timbo Receiving the Vigor International Award Ambassador
She went on to challenge the audience on the responsibility they carry to help change the children lives in Sierra Leone reflected in the Vision of Give Back to the Children Project, and urged them to be proud to be Sierra Leonean. Mrs. Timbo speech was superbly delivered with a clever balance of humility and humour. She drew on an Emerson quote: “what lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” She encourages the audience to support the children of Sierra Leone in the area of technology.
So I challenge you today to think about how you can make a difference, donate you time, financially to make the GBCP help bridge digital divide in Sierra Leone. She ends up by encourage all Sierra Leonean to seek and stand on others’ support one another. If you lead by doing this, you just may change the world!
Isatu N. Timbo and Abdul Sesay.jpg
To the testament of the Work of the Goodwill Ambassador around the world, she was crown as the newly ambassador of Vigor International Award base in Canada.