Saturday August 27, 2005The Coroner’s Inquest into the death of FOR DI PEOPLE’S Acting Editor, Harry Yansaneh, ended in Freetown yesterday with the jury returning a verdict of Manslaughter. According to the Managing Editor of THE POOL newspaper, Chernor Ojukwu Sesay , who spoke with COCORIOKO last evening, SLPP Member of Parliament, Dr. Fatmata Hassan and the Valuator of her Short Street property, Mr. Olu Campbell, had been arrested by yesterday.
The inquest was set up to determine the cause of death of Mr. Harry Yansaneh, who was beaten up by individuals acting on behalf of the parliamentarian, who had gone with her to evict journalists from her Short Street property , which was home to many Sierra Leone newspapers. During the inquest, various witnesses testified seeing the victim being beaten up by the individuals .
Consequently, the Coroner’s Officer, Adrian Fisher , yesterday issued warrants of arrest for Mrs. Hassan and her children -Daughter Fatmata Komeh, sons Bai Bureh and Ahmed Komeh. Arrest warrants were also issued for the Valuator of the Short Street building, Mr. Olu Campbell and Reginald Bull.
The children of Mrs. Hassan are however presently in the United Kingdom but the President of the Sierra Leone Association of Journalists, Alhaji I.B. Kargbo had told COCORIOKO before the inquest started sitting that SLAJ will ask the British Embassy in Freetown for their extradition if found culpable in the beating death of the late journalist.

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