Adebayor’s tirades cannot be justification for regrouping Kamajors – the Mende ethnic tradititional warriors.
We must appreciate the fact that all the ethnic groups in Sierra Leone, somehow, have their own tribal warriors or fighting secrete societies. The issue here is, If the Mendes start to regroup the Kamajors, can the other tribes be allowed to do same?
The video circulating on social media portraying some compatriots posing as Kamajors or trying to reorganise the Mende Traditional Warriors’ Society should be treated as a national security threat with all the powers of the state. Government should put out a press release on such activities and get security forces to immediately intervene to nip such worrisome situation in the bud before its escalate to other tribes regrouping and preparing for tribal war as well.
This incident should not be allowed to go on unchecked.