Freetown, June 16, 014 (SLENA) – Intensifying efforts towards strengthening surveillance at check points in the Kailahun and Kenema districts, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation has beefed up its human resource capacity and the provision of essential items in the fight against the spread of the deadly Ebola disease.
Taking into consideration the magnitude of the growing case fatality in the Kailahun district, the Ministry of Health, Line Ministries and partners have intensified sensitization and health promotion as well as providing adequate manpower resources, Personal Protective Equipments and Universal Precaution Materials which included masks, gowns, gloves and head gears Also provided are Chlorine, tricycle ambulances, 5,000 disposable thermometers, tents and solar lights at check points erected at strategic crossing points.
Environmental Health Officers, Community Health Aides and other cadre of health personnel have been provided an orientation on case management and other health interventions to ensure proper care at Ebola Observation Units and Treatment Centres as well as the handling of suspected cases at various check points mounted by the Ministry, the Police and Local Authorities.
In a bid to enhance effective communication between security personnel and health officials at check points and the health facilities, mobile phones have been provided per check points for efficient service delivery.
Meanwhile, the Ministry would like to re-emphasize that the erection of check points is not a measure to restrict movement of people but to avert the risk of contacting the Ebola disease and its possible spread from one place to another.
Update as of June 16, 2014 is as follow: Cases tested as of March 2014 is 193 with 83 laboratory confirmed for Ebola, and 20 confirmed deaths. Total number of cases that have survived and discharged from the Kenema Government hospital is 10. Contact tracing investigation continues.
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