The National Organization of Sierra Leoneans in North America (NOSLINA) is a non-political, nonpartisan body committed to promoting democratic principles and to ensuring the protection of basic human rights in an up-and-coming Sierra Leone that is striving to implement the principles of good governance.
Consistent with such values, NOSLINA exhorts the National Electoral Commission (NEC) to conduct elections that are orderly and violence-free.
Accordingly, as the world watches Sierra Leoneans exercise their voting rights at the polls on March 7, 2018, NOSLINA urges them to be vigilant and thoughtful, in order to elect the best candidates for their country.
May the results represent the will of the people in a process that is fair and free. Forward to a brighter Sierra Leone!
Issued by the NOSLINA Board of Directors
Washington, DC: March 1, 2018.