The National Federation of Civil Society organizations-Sierra Leone (NFCSOs-SL) was established in 2007, which at it formative stage known as the UNDP-CSO Forum, in a bid to bring together a number of CSOs and media Practitioners, in order to promote human rights, good governance and sustainable peace and development in all spheres of society.
It also work towards bridging the gap between and amongst State and Non state Actors, in order to ensure the observation of sound governance systems and structures, thereby ensuring effective transparency and Accountability. The name change to National Federation of CSOs-Sierra Leone from UNDP-CS0 Forum, was as a result of the taking over of the OGI over the UNDP-CSO Forum to effectively augment the promotion of the OGI aims and objectives.
Since the inception of the Open Government Initiative (OGI) in 2008, initiated by the Government of Sierra Leone, in its effort to promote good governance, transparency and Accountability in all spheres of life in the Country. As a result of the OGI’s interventions, there has been evidences of some transformations and developments that has taken place both in the lives of people and from within the three arms of Government (the Executive, the legislature and the Judiciary), through creating a fairly level playing ground and enhancing the interaction between the Government and the governed (State Actors and Non-State Actors).
However, amidst several challenges, the OGI has succeeded in its interventions through some of the following:
– Providing effective leadership on the management of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) in Sierra Leone which has also created the space for ordinary people to have their say in governance
– The OGP has accelerated the adherence of MDAs to their performance contracts and service delivery signed with His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone Dr Ernest Bai Koroma, through the eleven commitments developed by the OGP Steering Committee.
– OGI has also facilitated the establishment of the Open Data Portal for Sierra Leone and launched and signed the Integrity Pledge (15th May, 2015), at State House, witnessed by His Excellency, the Vice President, Victor Bockarie Foh.
– Through the OGI Administration, the OGP Steering Committee has robustly embarked on nationwide consultations and sensitizations in all Districts Head quarter towns of the fourteen Districts on the OGP processes, in order to enable Citizens immense participation and cooperation at all levels.
– Formation of the Federation Link, which is an auxiliary of the National Federation of Civil Society Organizations-Sierra Leone, also create an avenue for assimilation and inclusiveness of all.
– Over the period of time, OGI administration has contributed immensely to provide capacity building programs for CSOs and Media Practitioners both at National and international levels
In as much as the National Federation of CSOs-Sierra Leone acknowledges the efforts of the Government of Sierra Leone in promoting the work of OGI and OGP processes, we are however calling on Government to increase it support at all levels, in order to enable OGI broaden the scope of its activities and more effective.
The National Federation of CSOs-Sierra Leone, also wish to express their thanks and appreciations to Development Partners for their meaningful technical support to the OGI and OGP processes in and outside Sierra Leone, and further encourage them to continue providing more supports in different ways to foster effective work of the OGI/OGP processes and Civil Society Organizations.
The National Federation of CSOs recognizes and acknowledge the concerted efforts been played by the general citizenry into the OGI/OGP activities, especially traditional and Religious leaders and other Civil Society groups, furthermore, we are calling on all and sundry for the continued support and participation of all well-meaning Sierra Leoneans towards the OGI/OGP processes and activities. We are sorry to inform the general public that, the letter written by Mr Victor Lansana Koroma of Health Allert, counter signed by his Programmes Manager, does not represent the interest of the National Federation and all allegations queued are baseless.
MISSION: Considering the socio-economic challenges, Illiteracy and Social injustice in the Rural Communities of Sierra Leone, NFCSOs-SL desires to address these problems through sustainable community Development and rebuilding a culture of Human rights, just and democratic Governance and Peace building