By Kabs Kanu
This is another sad news coming out of Sierra Leone . ZAINAB Sheriff was arrested yesterday and taken to the CID for interrogation. She is the woman who produced the explosive video on social media in which she lashed President Maada Bio for his merciless killings of innocent Sierra Leoneans and his lust for blood .
Everything Madam Sheriff, a musical entrepeneur, said in the video was true and it confirms all the complaints citizens have been making of this government.
So people can’t express themselves anymore in our beloved country ? They have to be arrested by the Police ? This terrible and this fascist govt. is the worst we have ever had, as Zainab Sheriff asserted in her video . Zainab Sheriff was arrested yesterday as Sierra Leoneans , sick of human rights violations under this Maada Bio dictatorship , digested the video, which turned out to be a true presentation of the bloody rule of Sierra Leone’s version of IDI AMIN .
She was later released on bail, probably because of fear of further backlash from the international community.
But it is not material whether ZAINAB SHERIF was released on bail and is now at home , waiting to go back to the CID and continue answering more questions, as she herself conceded . The harm has already been done. Another human rights abuse has been perpetrated by the SLPP Government. The fact is that she was not supposed to have been arrested at all . No serious, sober and democratic government would arrest a woman for speaking truth to power. The government deserves to hear from the people what they feel about it. And that was exactly what Zainab Sheriff did.
The killings of innocent civilians by a government is a very serious humanitarian issue and it is capable of having the president arrested when he leaves power.
From all facts available to us, Maada Bio and his wife, Fatima Bio, are culpable in the killings going on in Sierra Leone and people have complained for long that they are surely the secret hands behind these human rights violations. Most times, they order these arrests , for the order to commit them often come from above . It is not possible for these violent acts to be going on in our country unhindered , without the knowledge and approval of the President. Otherwise, the backlash for the Police would have been unequivocal. Heads would have been rolling . Strong official condemnation would have been made on radio, TV, newspapers and social media. But this is never done. President Bio’s silence speaks a lot about his culpability in these killings.
Ask yourselves this question : With the international community , including the EU, UN, ECOWAS, U.S State Department, Amnesty International etc. on President Bio’s back and cheekily dictating to him virtually now , since he does not know how to govern, how can the police continue to repress and kill innocent people if the President and his wife, who are looming so large in the country —and even taking over in mosques now— are not au fait with these violations ? They could just condemn these human rights abuses and set examples and they will cease.
All President Bio and Fatima Bio are good at is going around our country showboating and throwing their weight around , not to mention wasting millions of dollars on corrupt international actors to give them meaningless international awards that add no value to the lives of our people.
I add Fatima Bio to these atrocities because she seems to have grabbed and is exercising so much power that she looks like the one actually ruling our country . We all know that she is the one at the helm and even decisions and appointments by this bogus president are controlled by her. It is an open secret that every SLPP member knows. Do not get on the wrong side of Fatima Bio if you want things to go well for you in the SLPP and Sierra Leone.
Sierra Leone has been gripped by a heartless, callous and wicked president as Zainab Sheriff and many citizens have been complaining. Maada Bio is not only a curse, as Zainab Sheriff asserted with authority. He is a President from Hell who came to power with the connivance of the international community ( who have regretted now ) and some people in the very APC suffering the worst under this diabolical dictatorship.
As for the maelstrom of juju, voodoo and demonic practices, including blood and human sacrifices these two have set adrift , only God will save Sierra Leone. No wonder there is so much darkness in the country. And these two had the guts to go stand in a mosque preaching .
The President and his wife are provoking God, but we will come to that in another editorial.
If there had been very strong opposition parties, firing on all cylinders, Zainab Sheriff has already campaigned for them for the forthcoming elections. That audio is capable of having the SLPP government voted out of power in June. But will the opposition capitalize on it or will continue procrastinating to hold the government’s feet under fire, as they should have been doing now ?
Thanks, Zainab Sheriff . Another woman has just entered the pantheon of Sierra Leonean heroines.