President Ernest Koroma has reiterated that nobody is above the law. The President made this statement following the suspension of his uncle and head of family, Section Chief/Village Headman Pa Amadu Kamara at Yeli Sanda, Makari Gbanti Chiefdom for compromising the bye-laws implemented in his chiefdom to contain the spreading Ebola virus. He was also fined the sum of Le 500,000 (Five hundred thousand Leones) which he had already paid.
Delivering his key address, President Koroma reiterated the fact that he was in Makeni three weeks ago to talk about the seriousness of the Ebola outbreak, saying that Sierra Leoneans traveling to other countries are now considered as lepers because of the Ebola outbreak. He noted that he was not elected to fight Ebola but to develop and transform the country.
“Ebola started in Kailahun but today Bombali is second to Freetown in terms of cumulative number of cases,” he said. This, he maintained, is as result of the fact that people in Bombali are still engaged in practices that provide fertile ground for Ebola to flourish. “This is why I said I will set an example in Bombali because this is my own hometown.”
The president revealed that during his trip to Pujehun and Bonthe he learned that the fight against the disease cannot be won without unity of purpose, unreserved and unconditional implementation of the bye-laws, especially when taking into consideration the fact that Pujehun, for instance, is sharing border with Liberia.
He re-echoed pretty much the same message as the one he delivered to the people of Tonkolili a few hours ago…that in spite of the most advanced treatment centers without cooperation to break the chain of transmission, the fight against the spreading virus would be lost.
The chiefs, religious leaders and MPs must take responsibility to ensure this disease is contained, President Koroma stated.
He encouraged them to collaborate among themselves to stop the transmission, saying that the people are perhaps reckless about certain things such as secret burials and denials.
President Koroma also urged the authorities to avoid concealing the sick, touching and secretly caring for the sick and washing corpses. “I want to set an example here because this is my home as that will send a clear message that there is no compromise in this fight. Please don’t try to impress me because I am President…talk straight and frankly so we know where we stand…I am working with my conscience so I will not protect anyone in wrongdoing.”
This meeting is about taking stock of progress made so far since the president last visited 21 days ago. President Koroma furthered that Bonthe district deserves a special prize for their resilience in the fight against Ebola, noting that Bombali does not deserve any prize but punishment for their recklessness.
Stay tuned for more…
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