By Josey Tholley
This is too sad for the SLPP. This party cannot tell us anything sober about their presidential candidate except by fabricating lies that Maada Bio was the father of democracy. When Rtd. Captain EM Strasser was asked, “who is the father of democracy?” Strasser said, ” The late president Joseph Saidu Momoh was the father of democracy. He started the democratic process by drafting the multiparty system constitution in 1991 before we overthrew his government simply because we did not believe that the APC govt will return to democracy. The idea was genuine to lead our country until when the so-called brigadier Julius Maada Bio shamelessly betrayed me for his own personal interest.”
Maada Bio was involved in so many corrupt and barbaric act during the NPRC regime ranging from: passports deals to foreigners, contracts awarded to his brother Steve Bio with double payments at the expense of the country, the extra judicial killing of 29 innocent Sierra Leoneans including: late Inspector General of Police James Bambay Kamara, Husband of a woman of God Mammy Dumbuya late Kahuta Dumbuya, Mr. Salamy Coker, Yayah Kanu and others, Stealing the country’s resources only to go and destroy them in Ghana, tried very hard to stay in office by staging bintumani 1 and 2 insisting for peace before elections, attempted to kill Strasser when going to Conakry in the helicopter from Cockril headquartsrs, his sister was in love with Foday Sankoh the rebel leader, Maada Bio shamefully beat his wife and bit her ear in the USA and also had a criminal issue with one Iranian national that led to his deportation and ban from entering the USA.
Maada Bio cannot be a better candidate as compared to a man like Dr. Samura Kamara who happens to be a well known personality all over the world for his good deeds. Dr. Samura Kamara has worked for the International Monetary Fund (IMF), The Commonwealth and World bank as far as the international community is concerned. Does the international community know Maada Bio? He is only known to be a professional gangster who has the blood of innocent people in his hands. Back at home, Dr. Samura Kamara has worked as a financial secretary at the Ministry of Finance, Minister of Finance & Economic Development, Bank Governor of the Central Bank of SL and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation. So, with all of these do you want to compare Black and White? Good and Bad? Gentleman and a Bloody Killer? Oh no! Dr. Samura Kamara is our next president of Sierra Leone.