Dear Mr. Editor ,
Mr E.T.Kamara could not have said it at an opportune time when the same SLPP die-hards are vehemently casting all kinds of unholy blame on the APC as if they were not part and parcle of the one party APC government .They are good at northing but to freeze history and arrest economic and social development . If Sierra Leone should go down the abyss . it is due to their philosophy of : ” if we cannot win them , we’ll join them and thwart any progress by subterranean means . As Mr. E,T. Kamara rightly pointed out , if the SLPP had accepted the results of the 1967 general elections , the HINGA NORMAN led COUP could not have happened, and Sierra Leone could have enjoyed the luxury of good governnance and social development .
This brings to mind the much ado about nothing talk about the Heroism of Mr. Hinga Norman after his death . To put it in a very subtle way , he is very simply an epitome of all the ills that had been subjected to Sierra Leone and her peoples . Whenever he appeared in the political scene of Sierra Leone , the country bleeds and the people perish beyond measure .His intervention in the democratic process of the transfer of power by peaceful means brought about the barrell of the gun and all the evil that it entails in our political arena from 1967 to the present day.To proclaim him a hero or you know what is an assault on the integrity of all well meaning SIERRA LEONEANS .
His death as a prisoner had surely sent mixed feelings in the hearts and minds of sierra leoneans. For his family , friends and admirers , he was a hero and great man . For the silent majority of sierra leoneans. I mean the voiceless and down trodden , his death was seen as good riddance. For his foes and associates , it was a big load and burden off their heads. But for us critical thinkers , his demise had yet continued to seal the lid on the truth about his relationship to the events before the rebel attrocities, during and after the rebel attrocities. There are certain truths we shall never know . He has died with them like his friend and associate the infamous Foday Saybana Sankoh .
Or was he a victim of jungle justice by power lusty folks who just wanted him out of the polical ARGBO for their own safety and interest ?
The crux of the matter is , there was a delay in the administration of justice .Justice delayed is justice denied . Justice denied anywhere is injustice everywhere . The people of Sierra Leone , especially the afflicted and down trodden , may just have to suck it up and wait for what GOD ALMIGHTY had in store for them .That is why all sierra leoneans in sierra leone that had registered to vote to go out en mass and vote solidly for the APC PARTY and the unasuming and deligent Hon. Ernest Bai Koroma as our President on July 28th 2007 for JUSTICE , EQUALITY AND PROSPERITY FOR ALL AND SUNDRY
The struggle continues unabated .
Mohamed Aziz Nabe
All Peoples’ Congress
New Jersey Chapter .

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