By Whatsapp Contributor
*How strategic Kandeh Yumkella is .*
Monday April 24-2023
1 ) Do you know KKY after 2018 Election abandoned NGC party and its finances 100% to NGC Diaspora Members and the National Chairman and few executive for its operations. ?
2) Do you know that KKY, decided to use Dr Dennis Bright , the National Executive & the NGC Diaspora to Build a relationship with opposition political parties to fight against SLPP whiles he , (KKY) was privately building his own relationship and political alliances to return to SLPP all by himself?
3) Do you know that KKY , received gifts and envelopes from President Bio to a point he could not challenge the SLPP ever again? ,And was threatened to be kidnapped jokingly by First Lady fatima Bio ?
4) Do you know it was Dr Yumkella who made arrangements behind the scenes for President Bio to Ask him in kychum to return home to his fathers Party SLPP ? , and did the same behind the scenes to invite COPPP TO KYCHUM.
5) Do you know that because KKY was receiving envelopes ✉️ and a New Black Toyota SUV , from President Bio he never challenged the SLPP in parliament on any issues to protect Sierra Leonean?
6) Do you know that it was President Bio and the SLPP who organised the Civic Funeral for his Late wife Mrs Philomena Yumkella?
7) Do you know that Kandeh Yumkella lost his fire to contest the 2023 election as presidential candidate in 2020 ,But hold on to the progress of the party not to have an alternative Presidential candidate ?
8) Do you know that Kandeh Yumkella used the Diaspora NGC membership to fundraise $65,000 United State Dollars to conduct the NGC delegates Conference and he KKY contributed only Le 10,000,000 Leones old Money . ?
9) Do you know KKY used and abused the Diaspora at the NEC Meeting on 28th January @ Family kingdom 2023 after the Diaspora and Poor NGC Supporters Locally financed the lower levels election in all 446 wards , 132 constituencies, 18 political Districts and 5 regions ( the battle between *Dr Dennis Bright and Joseph Maada Kpulun)* Heading towards the National Delegates Conference. ?
10) Do you know KKY manipulated / persuaded the Diaspora to finance the $ 65,000 budget for the NGC delegate Conference just so he can have the Structure and membership to use as his private bargaining power to help president Bio gets a second term whiles he Kandeh awaits 2028 SLPP Leadership?
11) Do you know Kandeh Yumkella and his group are the ones in an alliance with SLPP and Not NGC as Party Nationally & internationally?
12) Do you Know Kandeh yumkella is a fraud, a pathological liar, a sellout and a selfish politician who cares about nobody but himself ? Mr UN.
13) Do you know that Kandeh yumkella has nailed the coffin ⚰️ to the death of Any other 3rd force in Sierra Leone 🇸🇱.? NGC is Dead ….
14) Do you know Kandeh yumkella sends his personal bodyguards to attack and beat up NGC Nationals officers who are not in support of his SLPP return, but now preaching peace, unity and National Cohesion in public as his sole reason for the alliance ?
15) Do you know you should not vote or Identify yourself with this unholy Alliance between KKY and SLPP ?
16) Do you know that Kandeh Yumkella at Bintumani on the 23 April 2023 decided to align himself with a Government that is accused of Extrajudicial Killings, egregious Corruption over the opposition Party’s plan to restore hope again for Sierra Leonean and his silly excuse was because of *Mami cuss by Adebayor * but was willing to accept the Mami Cuss and all sorts of treatment given to him & his Mother by the SLPP from 2015 to 2017 ?
17) Do you know you should share these facts about how strategic KKY is all over on Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter, instagram, and if possible make videos and audios to explain all these points highlighted in different languages why you should vote 🗳️ out SLPP and the KKY Alliance.
God bless you .