Unity Newspaper in Freetown, the SLPP official mouthpiece, “has accused the United Nations and the International Community of plotting their downfall.”



The paper claimed that the United Nations and the International Community withheld funds to “cripple government operations.”



What government operations did the SLPP have to accomplish that the government did not receive funds for from the international community? Is SLPP not stupid? This is the most ridiculous allegation the international community will hear from their friends. I am sure the SLPP party is not being sincere with our donor friends. Do they have to accuse somebody who gave them money for everything they did but failed to give them money to buy votes?

Look at the composition of the SLPP party and you will tell yourself the reason why the international community will refuse to do business with them. They are just a collection of corrupt elements who did not mean anything good for the country. Let us look at a few facts that will help us to dismiss their allegation (in fact it cannot be anything serious).

The British say, of all their former colonies, Sierra Leone has been the country where they have remitted their people’s tax monies the most-(over 217 million Pounds Sterling between 2001 and the present). Look at a small fraction of what the international community has been committing to the SLPP and convince yourself that they need to be grateful; or ask why Berewa and Kabbah and their cohorts cannot be asked questions.

I wanted to do the additions but I though that would be taking a lot of time so I decided to send you an attachment. Going through it should educate the writer enough to be able to dismiss SLPP’s claim that the international community withheld funds to “cripple government operations.” Operations my foot! The SLPP has done all it was elected to do; they cannot do more than their best; and their best is what they have manifested over the years, stealing, spending vacations with family members abroad while the nation went without the basic necessities, buying houses in the US, remitting development funds to overseas accounts, transforming poor people’s diamonds into valueless stones after a period, building a massive structure in Conakry, maintaining their concubines at the expense of the poor masses, spending over 20 billion Leones as monies to bribes chiefs and other voters, and many more. These are all government operations that were funded.

It is sad to know that the SLPP does not appreciate what the international community did to see them emerge from the dark clouds of failure but continued in their usual practices. They would turn around now to blame the international community for non-performance.

However the SLPP did not save money with the international community which they wanted to use that was denied them. The monies they had been receiving from the international community are tax monies from the donor countries. Their governments had to be explaining why they should remit money to countries like Sierra Leone. They would give account of whatever they would remit. The monies have never been used for the purpose. I am wondering why whoever posted that message did not think about who to ask or blame. Sorry to say that the international community will not send money to SLPP to use to buy votes or to convey Kamajors from everywhere to disrupt elections. It is unfortunate to say that the international community is tired of supporting a corrupt organization.

Readers can go to Dr. Kadi Sesay to cross check these figures. All you do is what Britain alone said has remitted to the country over the period to the several figures highlighted in the attachment then come out with a total. Don’t bother yourself with conversions from Pounds to Dollars or vice versa or into Euro. Maintain one currency denomination and you will get cardiac attack. You will be able to know roughly the millions of dollars and Pounds Sterling that have been wasted on that good-for-nothing party. DEN SHABE ALL EN LEF DE PIPUL DE WONDRY FOR TIN FOR EAT.

This is a short attachment to help you to know how the international community is not sleeping for the problems of humanity.

10 January 2000:

The Minister of Development and Economic Planning, Dr. Kadi Sesay, said the rice would be sold through a process of competitive bidding, with the proceeds going to the establishment of a social security scheme. Sesay added that the scheme would provide assistance to the most vulnerable members of society, including the aged, orphans, amputees, and the very poor. The minister said Sierra Leone had received financial aid of nearly $10 million, which would fund agricultural development to address the problem of food security.

March 27, 2000:

The World Bank has expressed support for a two-year Transitional Strategy for Sierra Leone, which would make available $85 million in loans in 2003 and $55 million in 2004 to help the war-torn country emerge from conflict. According to a statement released on Wednesday, the money, to be allocated in six IDA (International Development Association) credits, would go to help rebuild Sierra Leone’s shattered economy, and would be applied to the areas of economic recovery, education, health, social action, institutional reform and infrastructure. The World Bank also plans to fund economic and public sector research on Sierra Leone by paying for an Income Survey, Poverty Analysis and Public Expenditure Review. It will also make available to Sierra Leone $15 million from the Multi-Sector HIV/AIDS Program. The funded project will focus on community and civil society-based initiatives to treat and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, and will target both rural and urban communities, displaced persons, and host communities.

25 March 2000:

The United States government announced Friday that it had recently contributed $1.9 million to the World Bank’s Multi-Donor Trust Fund to support the DDR (Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration) process in Sierra Leone. In a statement, the U.S. said it was also funding a “reintegration” educational program for war-impacted youth which had over 30,000 enrollees. The program, which is implemented through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), complements similar efforts administered by the government’s National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (NCDDR). Last year the U.S. contributed some $16 million towards reintegration projects in Sierra Leone and over $75 million in humanitarian assistance.

20 March:

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have agreed to support a comprehensive debt reduction package for Sierra Leone under the enhanced Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative, the two institutions said on Tuesday. Total relief from all of Sierra Leone’s creditors is worth about $950 million — equivalent to about $600 million in Net Present Value (NPV) terms or 80 percent of the country’s total debt after the full use of traditional debt relief mechanisms.

This is a portion of a publication. You can ask tons of questions from these.

To: All
Date Posted: 19:40:15 09/08/07 ()
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Are you suprised Amadu? We are here talking about Borboh Bellehs..DEN ROTTEN BELLEH EN DEN NOR DAE EVER SATISFY.
You eat last night/ And your poor sister never eat at all/ Watch that…Nayabinghi will be cahnting tonight (Late Jo Hill; Cultuuuuuuuuure)

From: Almamy Razak Tun Seray-Wurie Si
To: All
Date Posted: 19:59:24 09/08/07 ()
Email Address:
Entered From: 24hrpc10.cpmc.columbia.edu at

What makes APC different? Borboh Bellahs

To: All
Date Posted: 21:01:10 09/08/07 ()
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1.WELL LIKE AKIBO POWER USE TO SAY, DEM(APC) DAE EAT BUT DEM GO DO DE WOKE WAE YOU GEE DEM. The same cannot be said about the SLLP. They just ate, ate and ate, but did sweet nothing, to even buy brooms to sweep streets…

2. When APC climbed a fruit tree, they would eat some of the fruits up there and then shake the branches for the people on the ground to feed themselves. SLPP? Forget it. All for the greedy and nothing for the needy

To: All
Date Posted: 19:14:28 09/08/07 ()
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As a tribute to da innocent/ Keep da good faith/ We are fit meet one more time….Don’t cry oh sufferer/Things will be sweet (Late Jo Hills- CULTUUUUUURE!

From: Jay a.k.a Bandit Opinion
To: All
Date Posted: 19:50:05 09/08/07 ()
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Entered From: c-69-140-34-194.hsd1.md.comcast.net at

One Love,COM.

Alitua Continua.

To: All
Date Posted: 19:23:16 09/08/07 ()
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Entered From: at

I mean the forces of justice.

Special dedication to Kabs Kanu, Bambay Lans and a man like Iscandri. Not forgetting all the blessed brethren on this forum who have been advocating positive change.

SLPPers cum Solocrats are not welcome. If ah ketch any SLPP gatecrasher pan dis invite ee go know. Una go to New People for una yone kpoki(kanya)

To: All
Date Posted: 18:22:58 09/08/07 ()
Email Address:
Entered From: ip70-162-167-106.ph.ph.cox.net at

Solo B with soft voice told the BBC focus on africa that he is devastated because the police weep his guard.

To: All
Date Posted: 19:09:38 09/08/07 ()
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I sweh to God, Berewa is the most unserious party leader to have happened to Sierra Leone. Is the man blind? Police den nor eat from God morning den you guard den dae go make mayende mayende pan dem. You wait Solo, you ain’t seen nothing yet. You are dreaming. Na you next den go slap, then you would know you days are numbered.

From: Almamy Razak Tun Seray-Wurie Si
To: All
Date Posted: 18:53:57 09/08/07 ()
Email Address:
Entered From: 24hrpc10.cpmc.columbia.edu at

West Africa has fifteen nations: Ghana, Nigeria, Liberia, and Mali are changing
BENIN and CAPE VERDE are top democrats
Cote D’Ivorie, Senegal, Niger, and Guine-Bissau are picking pieces…
GAMBIA, TOGO,BURKINA FASO, and GUINEE are in total political darkness
Where does SL want to belong?

Subject: Yain Yain Yain Doe Ribbi
From: Kanforie Sorie Koroma
To: All
Date Posted: 17:45:07 09/08/07 ()
Email Address:
Entered From: h167-156-253.63.chubb.com at

All the big talk on this forum by SLPP supporters have vanished. Now, it is yain yain doe Ribbi. Some are even hiding under their beds presently. We told them. Nobody wants SLPP anymore. The Palm Tree is dead and gone .10 years rule by APC , after that we hand it to PMDC .

Subject: DREAMER
From: Almamy Razak Seray-Wurie Si
To: All
Date Posted: 17:50:57 09/08/07 ()
Email Address: almamysi@hotmail.com
Entered From: 24hrpc10.cpmc.columbia.edu at

If SLPP loses then its time for a Shadow Cabinet like UK
*PMDC ends after this Elections..A True third Force would emerge

Subject: Re: DREAMER
From: Marka H. Tormusakoroma
To: All
Date Posted: 18:37:44 09/08/07 ()
Email Address: harmony_tormusa@yahoo.co.uk
Entered From: at

Shadow cabinet does not survive in SaLone. Remember the APC shadow cabinet was ever ineffective because of the undermining SLPP acts.
Now, PMDC shall live and rise above the SLPP. It’s PMDC not NUP mind you.

Subject: Re: DREAMER
From: Jay
To: All
Date Posted: 19:52:27 09/08/07 ()
Email Address:
Entered From: c-69-140-34-194.hsd1.md.comcast.net at


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