Vice President Victor Bockarie Foh has informed the flood victims at the National Stadium that His Excellency President Ernest Koroma is very concern about the challenging problems brought by the recent flood disaster in Freetown which left thousands of people homeless.
He spoke whilst officially launching the Flood Response Account at the National Stadium on Tuesday 22nd September 2015.According to Vice President Foh, the President hasinstructed him to be part of the coordination teams at the National Stadium to ensure the situation does not continue for long. Vice President Foh expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of Government and people of Sierra Leone to those who have been helping in handle one the current emergency. He paid special thanks to those who in diverse ways have also contrbut end in fighting a lasting solution.
Government, he said is not seek a short term solution to the current problem but a permanent and lasting one . It is hard to plan for emergency, he said, but "we have been asked by the President to find a permanent solution" According to Vice President Foh, this is an opportunity to move people away from those places not conducive for human living, asking them to be ready for the decision government is about to take in relocating them.
As chairman for coordinating the relief response, Vice President Foh said, acres of land have been identified at Six Mile and Grafton to relocate people but cautioned people not affected by the flood to stop registering since thousands have registered who were actually not affected. Moving people to new locations, he said, will have to cost Government billion of Leones and therefore encouraged Sierra Leoneans to support the relief response. Meanwhile, the Bank details for support to the response are as follows: Bank: Rokel Commercial Bank . Account Number: 1076619 John Baimba Sesay Freetown