Date: 5 January 2016
Written by: Foday Morris
For some strange reasons some Sierra Leoneans living in the Diaspora think and act as if they have the moral background to dictate what Sierra Leoneans living in Sierra Leone must do. The most recent example is the influx of Diaspora Sierra Leoneans who have come home calling for change and a new direction in support of the National Grand Alliance (NGC).
Some of the same Diaspora Sierra Leoneans supporting NGC, decided to turn a blind eye on the questionable integrity of Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella, who once said that he was never a member of a political party, but later claimed to be a registered member of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP). When asked to produce his registration card, he produced a falsified copy of another member’s card and documents. To this day, Yumkella continues to brag, falsify, misrepresent facts, or blatantly lie about any issue.
For many of us home-based Sierra Leoneans who lived in the Diaspora of almost 3 decades, we understand why NGC Diasporans are not bothered by the integrity issues hovering over Yumkella – they are birds of the same feathers. Most of these Diaspora Sierra Leoneans, falsify their tax returns, lie on job applications, refuse to pay their student loans, falsify applications for food stamps etc. The worst of them are involved in drug dealing, steeling expensive vehicles and/or engaged in prostitution.
What change is the NGC Diaspora members talking about?
Sierra Leoneans can no longer be fooled by the relentless narratives of false prophets parading as people with integrity or strong moral backgrounds — false indeed. Our people can no longer be fooled to gravitate toward the ‘angel’ they do not know – KKY is a liar and fraudulent politician. Some of us, who had lived in many parts of the Diaspora, will guide our people so that they continue to stay with the proverbial devil they know. Yumkella and Senior NGC Executive members and their Diaspora members would pose a serious threat to the socio-economic development of Sierra Leone. We have an obligation to keep the people informed.
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