When dissident elements and retrogressive forces look all around them for unnecessary causes to blame and discredit a hardworking government and find none, they take one of the flagship achievements of the government and claim that it is the only obsession of government or that it a “White Elephant “—Just so that they do not give the government the accolade it deserves ! !
Who in his right senses would say that all the All People’s Congress ( APC ) Government of President Ernest Koroma does for Sierra Leone is construct roads and infrastructure, EVEN THOUGH, IF THAT HAD BEEN TRUE, IT IS STILL A VERY LOFTY ACHIEVEMENT when you consider the fact that the party —The Sierra Leone People’s Party ( SLPP ) –these mealy-mouthed zealots serve, left the country looking like a stone-age nation, with bad roads and run-down architecture ? No SLPP supporter with shame and conscience would make such an allegation, considering the fact roads and infrastructural developments constitute the springboard of the socio-economic and political development of any nation.
Anyway, what do you expect from foxes that cannot get the juicy, mouth-watering grapes ? They will declare them sour to console their frustrated hearts.
NOW the APC Government has continued to demonstrate the contrary that it is committed to all-round national development in Sierra Leone, not just infrastructure . Those who are not blind know when President Koroma is not commissioning a new highway and building project, he is out showcasing a life-saving project in the health sector or an agricultural development to boost food safety in Sierra Leone , an education-booster or a rural electrification project . Thank God for communications technology . WE SEE ALL THESE ACHIEVEMENTS IN THE SOCIAL MEDIA THROUGH PHOTOS, WHICH TELL THE STORY OF A THOUSAND WORDS ! ! !
Now, demonstrating its commitment to boost the health sector as well, President Koroma’s government has gone and done it again . It has officially inaugurated a Digital X-Ray Unit, Theater, Ultra-modern Laboratory and renovated pediatric ward at the Koidu Government Hospital. In the words of the Deputy Minister of Health, Madam Zulikatu Cooper , while commissioning the unit : “This is the dream of His Excellency Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma to revamp Kono District’s health status and the country at large. ” She went on to say that this is the best X-Ray Unit this country has got so far, and that government does not only limit itself in constructing roads, building bridges and energy supply but also pays great attention in ensuring that Sierra Leone becomes a envy in West Africa when it comes to health.
Need we say more ?
The fact never to be disputed is that President Koroma’s APC Government is very responsible and attuned to the needs of the people and despite the challenges it is encountering , it is still able to deliver national development in any sphere of human endeavor in the country. The Government knows what the people need and though it is not humanly possible for any government in any country and in any part of the world to satisfy all the needs of its people, it is doing its best , under trying circumstances, to provide a lot for the people.
Koidu’s new digital XRAY Machine and ultra modern lab will revolutionize health care delivery in Kono District. Dr. Manso Sorie Dumbuya, the Kono District Chief Medical Officer added more to the respect and commitment of the APC Government by announcing that the Kono Government Hospital can now boast of 24hrs electricity and water supply.
This is what a good, responsible and concerned government does. And the APC Government is good, responsible and caring enough to do it
If highlighting these achievements of the APC Government , which unprogressive and stone age people and critics want to bury under the bushel for partisan political purposes is sycophancy, then something sinister is drastically wrong with President Koroma’s critics. .
Kudos to President Koroma and the APC Government for bringing ultra -modern and state-of-the-art diagnostics to our people in Kono.