The Ministry Of Political And Public Affairs Met The Director General Of NASSIT And Office Of Diaspora (ODA) Members
The Minister of Political and Political Affairs, Madam Nanette Thomas and her Deputy Minister Mr. Akhmed Femi Mansaray today the 23rd June, 2016 met with the Director General of the Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT), members of the ODA to further the collaboration with the Office of the Diaspora Affairs.
In welcoming the Minister of Political and Public Affairs and her delegation, the Director General of NASSIT Mr. Joseph Mans Jnr, encouraged the delegation and hope for a better working relationship with the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs and the Office of Diaspora Affairs.
In her statement, Minister Nanette Thomas thanked the Management and staff of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) for extending this wonderful invitation to the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs. She also highlighted the importance of the National
Social Security and Insurance Trust in which the President’s Recovery Priorities which was launched over the weekend at Magburaka.
The Minister in her statement spoke about the Social Security and Insurance Trust sector as a working instrument for poverty relief as the higher in the social expenditure rate and the lowest in the poverty rate. NASSIT has been very pivotal and even though, before the crisis that is crippling the national economy which the Government is trying to rebuild. She commended the current leadership of NASSIT for the laudable strives in changing the shape of the country and in complementing the effort of the President and the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs through the Office of the Diaspora Affairs which will propagate the outreach campaign by NASSIT and HFC Mortgage and Savings, especially in education Sierra Leoneans in Diaspora about the Project and Services of NASSIT.
The Minister of Political and Public Affairs stated that, the Office of Diaspora Affairs are currently working with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation to ensure that all Sierra Leoneans Embassies abroad are informed about the activities of NASSIT schemes and the HFC products.
Madam Minister also assures the Director General and his team that, the Ministry of Political and Public Affairs together with Office of Diaspora Affairs can play a pivotal role in advocating to Sierra Leoneans in the Diaspora to contribute towards the NASSIT schemes.
Mr. Kuyateh updated the Madam Minister about the Diaspora outreach of the National Social Security and Insurance Trust and compared to the Diasporians participation in the Philippines and Ghana in national development.
Mr. Joe Hassan Kalokoh, Head of Planning and Research, spoke about partnering with other social security agencies outside Sierra Leone and how to market the schemes and how to empower the postal services in Sierra Leone.
Conclusively, the Minister pledged her continued support in working with NASSIT.
Photo: Joseph Mansaray, Hon. Nanette Thomas and Hon Akhmed Femi. Mansaray (Dep. Minister) Ministry of Political and Public Affairs