Sierra Leoneans yesterday watched in stunned disbelief as wild crowds, fueled by President Donald Trump’s rhetoric, stormed the U.S. Capitol building and temporarily disrupted the certification of the electoral college votes of President -elect Joe Biden by Congress, in what they described as a coup attempt in America.
The insurrection at the Capitol Building , which was watched with disbelief and dismay all over the world, was fueled by Trump supporters who included conspiracy groups, extremists and fringe movements, according to CNN. President-elect Joe Biden described it ss a “dark moment” in U.S. history.

Sierra Leoneans had earlier also heard President Trump challenge his supporters massed behind a police barrier to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue to give Republicans at the Capitol “the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country.”
The American insurrection transfixed Sierra Leoneans because they have a government in power that bears every resemblance to the charade that is President Trump’s Government and many must have been left with the sunken feeling that the President they have in power ( Who has no respect for democracy ) would take a leaf from Trump and do the same thing in 2023 , if he is defeated.

It is a feeling that will re-echo through the borders of African countries where it would be felt that President Trump has set a very dangerous precedent that could be copied by despotic leaders in the continent.
The Sierra Leone social media was buzzing yesterday, with all kinds of comments on the Capitol rumpus Some Sierra Leoneans expressed shock and consternation that such an undemocratic event, akin to a coup, was taking place in America, which is considered the citadel of democracy and constitutional governance in the world. “If America could do this, what do you expect from Third World Countries , especially Africa ? “, some asked.
others wondered whether America has any moral authority to dictate democratic and constitutional principles to other countries. Other Sierra Leoneans looked at the incident as a huge shame and embarrassment to America. and they felt that the U.S. has lost the moral high ground.
It must be recalled that in 2009, then U.S. President Barack Obama linked American aid to respect for democracy and the constitution. Many Sierra Leoneans wondered what the fate of this foreign policy towards Third World countries would be now, given the events in America since President Trump lost the elections on November 3 and steadfastly refused to accept the result.