By Kabs Kanu
President Bio keeps loading Kandeh Yumkella with big, massive, lucrative jobs. He keeps anointing KKY with glories.
Where are the people who placed the Bio- Yumkella fights on their heads ? E nor don lef pan una ? Today, Maada Bio and Kandeh Yumkella are the best of friends and as our people say a flood of waters cannot pass between them.
And this is why I have learnt and made up my mind not to be embroiled in the fights between our politicians . My APC people can persecute, stigmatize, stereotype, defame and rain all the despicable insults on me all they want. I will never join the factions, cabals, clans and camps presently engaged in dogfight within our party.
What has President Bio given the people who jumped into his nasty fights with Kandeh Yumkella ? Maada Bio does not even know whether you are alive. Bio will stay in power for 20 more years and still not consider many of you for any job or even a loaf of bread.
Some of you are struggling to survive ; some of you abroad are stuck with heavy bills and mortgages while Bio and KKY are now helping each other enrich themselves. So, learn to stop getting embroiled in bitter fights between politicians. Be neutral. Support your party and whoever becomes president. Do not join factions, cabals and camps.
Politicians will reconcile and make peace when you are not there. When they are ready to make peace, they will never consult you. We have all made mistakes before. Let us learn from experience.
Play the role of peacemaker instead. Do not take sides. Bio and KKY are now doing everything to enrich one another. Did they consult you before making peace ? Did Bio consult you before giving KKY all these top jobs ? Did KKY consult you before accepting Bio’s job offers ? Many of you were shocked, devastated and angry when the two once bitter enemies reconciled and KKY abandoned his protest political party, the NGC, to rejoin Maada Bio and accept his job appointment. With all your education, can’t you learn ?
Some people within our APC party need to take a cue from what happened between President Koroma and Sam Sumana ( How they easily resolved their fight ) and now between Maada Bio and Kandeh Yumkella. President Koroma and Sam Sumana should that indelible spirit of forgiveness that God loves. In Yumkella’s case, it is more about opportunism, but did KKY care about what you would feel about it ?
I am frightened by the bitterness and rancour within our party and the way some learned people, bloggers and social media supporters are making a big meal out of these conflicts said to be raging between our aspirants and powerbrokers .
I listened to the audios of the interview Comrade Mankota conducted with the Spokesman of the APC, Sidi Yaya Tunis. I also listened to countless audios on social media from supporters of the allegedly war-torn leaders of the APC. They provide a crisp and indepth picture of the dangerous feuds presently brewing in our party.
I never knew that Sierra Leoneans were this clannish and “cabalish “. I thought we learnt from the war, coups and all the things that have happened to us since then but it appears like we have become worse. The internet and social media age have not helped or changed us one bit. We are worse today than we were in the 60s, 70s and 80s when the world was not what it is today –media and ideas saturated. We have become more vindictive, unreasonable and implacable.
I have come to one decision.
No Mammy cuss, no false accusation or hostility from any camp will make me come out and support any feuding faction within the APC. Nobody feeds me or pays my bills for me.
I have resolved yesterday to be an even stronger APCian than ever. I will be stronger than ever ,but I will be independent. I will belong to no faction or group. I am neither Team A nor Team B. My focus is the APC and the APC only.
I went back and listened to numerous audios whole night. I listened to anti- Samura Kamara audios. I listened to anti- Chericoco audios. I listened to other audio where bloggers rained abuses at our other leaders like Minkailu.Mansaray, Lansana Dumbuya , Sidi Yaya Tunis and others.
The conclusion I have reached after listening to all these audios all night is to remain open- minded and independent, not get entangled in the broil and however much I am cussed, remain loyal to APC and not to any faction or kaboodle within the APC. I have also resolved to continue to write, not to please anybody but the public and the APC. I am nobody’s hired writer. The cheek of it ! ! !
I am not going to be spokesman or supporter of anybody. I belong to nobody. I belong to everybody.
The APC has bigger problems than we conjectured because people have divided the party into deadly factions and deadly groups.
Listeningn to the particular interview conducted by Mankota , the impression I had was that our party has been badly betrayed, if everything I heard in that interview is true. But nobody is concerned about that because they are not concerned about the party. They are only concerned about their factional leaders and cabals. What A shame.
As for me,I am not going to take sides with anybody. I am neither Dr. Samura Kamara, neither Chericoco, neither Minkailu nor anybody in the APC. After the nasty lies pro- Samura’s illiterate puppet, Abu Shaw , wrote about me—to which I will respond in good time after I am eventually vindicated by oncoming events– and what I heard in the audios, I am glad I attended the dinner held for Chericoco by John Cole in New Jersey . I am glad I did not boycott it to please anybody. I am glad I attended it to prove that I am not on any side. I owe no moron an explanation. We also visited I.B. Kargbo when he came. I will do it again. I belong to nobody. I belong to everybody.
I will only support our flagbearer when we have one at last. And if what some people are saying is true , that ECOMOG are coming to give power to Samura Kamara, when that happens and he becomes my President, I will give him my fullest support, because I will always support the APC flagbearer and President, whether he likes me or not.
But right now, I will keep an open mind and be independent.
If any of our leadets, including Samura Kamara, comes to visit us here in New Jersey, and the APC is going to visit him or stage a dinner for him, I will go with them to listen and gain more knowledge . I am not going to avoid anybody to please anybody.
I am APC. That is all that matters.
To hell with those who want to control me.
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