“I will stay uncorrupted even if I am tempted and ensure that those working with my administration do the same. The first priority I will implement in Port Loko is a self–help project, such as agriculture because constituents that feed themselves are bound to progress and I will make sure to meet with ministers and stakeholders in the Port Loko district to address burning issues affecting the district so that the glory that has been lost will again be regained.” These are the words Alhaji Al Haji S. Dumbuya during the questions and answer time when asked by attendees during the launching of his fundraising dance for the candidacy of Port Loko Central One Constituency on April 9, 2010, at Sligo Adventist School Auditorium in Carroll Avenue, Takoma, MD. (Photo: Alhaji Al Haji S. Dumbuya)
As the 2012 elections gradually heat up in Sierra Leone, candidates from different constituencies are emerging from all over the country to contest the elections. Among them is Alhaji Al Haji S. Dumbuya Esq. who has openly declared his intention in Port Loko town to represent his people in Port Loko Central One constituency. His intention was greeted with unanimity from citizens and colleagues of Port Loko who gave Alhaji Dumbuya unflinching support and encouragement during his visit in Port Loko recently. It can be recalled that in 2007, Alhaji Dumbuya wanted to represent Port Loko Central but his friend Kemoh Sesay former Minister of Transport and Aviation at the time had the same intention, he declined giving way for Kemoh Sesay to contest and he subsequently won.
Now, the time has come for Alhaji Dumbuya to show his leadership skills, charisma and peace brokering initiatives, and above all his developmental stance for the people of Port Loko Central – a town that has been neglected for decades. Alhaji, Al Haji Dumbuya emanated from the political elites of the APC. His uncle S.I. Koroma, was a former Vice President of Sierra Leone under the APC groomed Alhaji Dumbuya in the area of politics and development. As a young man in the late 70s and 80s after he successfully received his General Certificate of Education (GCE) from Schlenker Secondary School in Port Loko town he was able to participate in his uncle’s the late S. I. Koroma, former First Vice President of the Republic of Sierra Leone self help projects and was instrumental in organizing young boys to carry on their heads mixed cement to the contractors for the cementing and, building of the Port Loko government hospital. Alhaji’s determination and hard work paid off when he secured a job as an Account Clerk at the Lungi International Airport. Full of motivation and determination to succeed in life, he was later awarded a scholarship, facilitated by Mr. Patrick Ojong through the APC Youth League Education Program, to study in Czechoslovakia, (now the Czech Republic) in 1984.
In a brief chat about his political career and platform for Port Loko Central One Constituency should in case he is elected, Alhaji Dumbuya unequivocally said, Port Loko needs development in all aspect of life, socially, educationally and economically. “Port Loko Central needs to be reawakened from its slumber”, he emphasized. For nearly two decades Port Loko had been neglected and it is time for the citizens of Port Loko to be empowered so the town will regain its past glory. “This is why I am leaving all opportunities in the United States to contest and help usher development and empowerment to our people in Port Loko. By the grace of God if elected, I will fulfill the dreams I have for the citizens of Port Loko.”
Alhaji Dumbuya, while in Czechoslovakia completed a Masters Degree program in social science and law and graduated in 1989, followed by a Jurist Doctorate degree in International Law in 1991. He came to the USA in 1991 and studied social work at the University of Maryland in 1999 and graduated with a Masters in Social work (MSW) in June 2002. He has been working in the field of social services and has held positions as Mental Health Counselor, Behavior Specialist, Social Worker and is currently Program Director. He is a member of the Association of Social Workers, Maryland chapter.
In the social arena, Alhaji Dumbuya is the Secretary General of the Port Loko Descendants Association USA, and has participated in raising funds for the development of Port Loko district. A strong Muslim who performs five daily prayers, he is member of the Executive Committee of Prince George’s Muslim Association in Maryland and responsible for organizing Muslims performing pilgrimage to the Holy land of Mecca. During the visit of the Vice President of Sierra Leone to the USA, he organized and invited the Hon. Alhaji Abu Bakarr Samuel Sumana to visit and observe Friday prayer (Jumah) at Prince George’s Association Mosque in Lanham, Maryland were he worships and communes with citizens of Sierra Leone. Alhaji, Al Haji Dumbuya is a man of peace and he exemplifies such qualities by brokering peace when the former leadership of APC North America was in chaos and at the brink of disintegration. He is Vice President of the APC Washington-Metropolitan Chapter.
Family and friends of Alhaji Al Haji Dumbuya
In giving a short speech about Mr. Alhaji Al Haji Dumbuya during the fundraising program, the President of the APC Washington Metropolitan Area Chapter, Mrs. Yabom Sesay Koroma said, “I am lucky to have Mr. Alhaji, Al Haji Dumbuya as a Vice President of WMC because he is reliable, dependable, an organizer, pragmatic and full of empathy for his fellow humans. It is no doubt that he will succeed in his quest to represent the people of Port Loko.” Yabom Thaslim Sesay Koroma pledged members of the APC Metropolitan Area unflinching support for Alhaji and wished him God’s guidance and blessings. Alhaji Dumbuya is married with four children and enjoys reading, jogging and playing table tennis. Above all he enjoys mediation and conflict resolution.
In his final chat with this writer who knows Alhaji Dumbuya from our childhood days in Port Loko town, he reiterated his commitment to restore the dignity of the people of Port Loko which they have lost due to neglect from past leaders and he is committed to work with His Excellency, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma as he strives to restore Sierra Leone in Committee of Nations.
Below is summary of Alhaji Dumbuya’s Educational and Work Experience:
Extensive work experience in program development, strategic planning, policy development and program management. Good grant writing skills. Identifying government funding sources, creating and submitting proposals for funding and support. Developing organization specific plans and assuring plan implementation. Drafting policies, budget reports and presentations to funding sources and/or donors. Careful planning, operating and evaluating programs. Delivering social services. Coordinating and monitorong services for quality assurance, audit and legal compliance. Networking with organizations that advocate for poor and underserved communities. Community development.
United Communities Against Poverty, Inc. (UCAP), 1400 Doewood Lane,Capital Heights, MD 20731 USA
Position: Program Director – 07/07 to Present
- Identify and secure resources for the organization, grant-writing and program development.
- Research and identify programs and submit proposals/grants to state and federal government for funding.
- Develop policy, provide budget oversight and maintain current and new programs.
- Increase the organization’s participation in social, political and community advocacy activities.
- Evaluate and expand program services to reflect evolving communities and clients needs.
- Expand strategic alliance and collaborative relationships to leverage the impact of services.
- Provide leadership development and self-empowerment for management staff.
- Examine and prepare program documentation for regulatory, audit and legal compliance.
- Supervise program staff and provide administrative support to the organization’s President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
We Care Adult Services, Inc. 1717 Largo Road, Upper Marlboro, MD 20774, USA
Position: Social Worker/Development – 08/04 to Present
- Program design, staffing, funding, services and marketing.
- Identify professional growth and career advancement opportunities for staff.
- Expand vocational training and other skill enhancing opportunities for staff.
- Expand and improve programs and services.
- Secure unrestricted, federal, state, local and private funds to support and expand programs and services.
- Assess staff skill deficiencies and implement a professional development training program to include program certifications, management skills, grant writing, performance evaluation etc.
- Ensure staff compliance with policies and procedures.
EMMAUS Services for the Aging, 9th St. NW, Washington DC 20001, USA
Position: Social Worker – 0/05 to 07/07
- Worked with a team of professionals in providing support, advocacy and therapeutic counseling for senior citizens.
- Provided clinical training and supervision to College Graduate Interns.
- Facilitated psychosocial assessment and access to referral services.
- Provided information and assisted elderly persons understand their problems and/or diagnosis.
- Matched services to clients needs.
GUIDE Therapeutic Group Home, 8911 Oak Lane, Ft. Washington, MD 20744, USA
Position: Lead Counselor – 01/04 to 03/07
- Provided supervision and counseling to severely emotionally disturbed adolescents.
- Introduced and coordinated interventions that focus on attainment of Individualized Treatment Plans (ITP).
Psychiatric Center Chartered, Inc. 3005 Bladensburg Road, NE, Washington, DC USA
Position: Behavior Specialist – 08/01 to 03/03
- Taught clients anger management skills.
- Developed and implemented individualized treatment plans.
- Responsible for the overall behavior management of clients.
- Collected and analyzed behavioral data and documentation.
- Provided individual counseling and group therapy to mentally retarded clients.
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, RICA, Southern Maryland, USA
Position: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Associate 11/96 to 08/01
- Provided supervision and counseling to severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.
- Introduced and coordinated interventions that focus on attainment of Individual Treatment Plans (ITP).
Program planning and development, Program logic model, Conceptual framework for program development, Functions, Objectives and instruments of policy, Principles of policy making, Effective policy making for organizations, Strategic planning, Public and media relations planning, Resourcing and budgeting for community development, Grant writing for community programs, Evidence based social work practice, Research evaluation.
2002, University of Maryland, School of Social Work, MSW – Social Work
1990, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, JD. – International Law
1989, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, MA – Social Science/Law
Written by Joseph S. Sherman, Editor-in-Chief, New Daily Nation
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