The Anti-Corruption Commission of SierraLeone seems set to take action on the recent auditor general’s report which unearthed unbelievable corruption by the President Bio SLPP Government. Yesterday, the Commission issued a release announcing a press conference on January 7.
But many Sierra Leoneans are sceptical whether the ACC would have the gumption to punish acolytes of the very government whose officials it has been treating with kid gloves . Sierra Leoneans do not have trust in the ACC and believe that it is only active when dealing with officials of the past APC Government or Sierra Leoneans from the Northwestern part of the country.
Since the SLPP Government came to power, there had been startling revelations about massive corruption by officials of the government , including the Chief Minister, Dr. David Francis, but the Commission took no action to investigate.
As far Sierra Leoneans are concerned, it might just be a smokescreen and they are waiting with bated breath what the commission will come out with on January 7.
2nd January 2020.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) wishes to invite members of the press and civil society organizations to a Press Conference on Tuesday 7th January 2020; in relation to the Auditor General’s Report for the Financial Year ended 31st December 2018, conducted by the Audit Service Sierra Leone. The Press Conference will be held at the St. George’s Cathedral Hall, 3 Gloucester Street, Freetown; at 11:am prompt.*
The objective of the Press Conference is to update the public on the outcome of the Commission’s examination of the Auditor General’s Report and its next lines of action regarding it.
Also, the Commission will update the public on steps already taken in regard the several issues entailed in the report.
In light of the above, the Commission requests media houses and civil society organizations to send not more than two (2) representatives each, to attend the Press Briefing on the above-stated date, venue and time.
We count on your usual cooperation.
Margaret Murray (Ms),
Public Relations Officer,
Anti-Corruption Commission.