By State House Communications Unit
Speaking to a delegation of the All Political Parties Association (APPA) at State House, President Ernest Bai Koroma Friday 22 May, 2015, assured that government will engage with Ebola experts to ensure whatever restrictions that would be lifted will be in the best interest of all Sierra Leoneans.
He said government has challenged the experts to look into the restrictions and come up with recommendations. “After consultations with the experts we will come out with a pronouncement,” he assured.
Acknowledging the fact that the epidemic has had devastating effects on livelihoods, President Koroma further assured that the economy will bounce back after Ebola because “we have put in place a recovery programme which would give some impetus to the economy.” He also urged APPA to join in monitoring post Ebola recovery programmes, especially the two years tuition fees subsidy being paid by government. He warned teachers and school administrators to discontinue extorting extra charges from parents.
The president also expressed the need for more collaboration, noting that with collaboration, it’s the people who benefit. He thanked the delegation led by Mr. Mohamed Bangura, Leader and Chairman of United Democratic Party (UDM) and also chairman of APPA for their initiative and urge for continued collaboration in addressing issues of national concern.
He noted that although the position paper was not unreasonable, there was need for caution, citing the case of the man who escaped from Aberdeen to Rosanda in Bombali district, thereby infecting 54 people, leaving 42 dead.
The position paper presented by the chairman of APPA Mr. Bangura is calling on government to relax the trading and motor-bike transportation hours from 6:00pm to10:00pm or lifted permanently and also call on government to fill vacant positions in certain MDAs.
SHCU© 2015