By Mohamed Sankoh (One Drop) :
While Charles Francis Margai, the leader of the People’s Movement for Democratic Change (PMDC), has been rusticated from the University for ten years because he only scored less than 2% in the final exams which were taken on November 17th; the failed presidential candidate of the Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP), Julius Madness Bio, is at present in a dilemma on whether the SLPP constitution will allow him to sit his reference in 2017 because he scored 37.4% which is three grades short of the passing grade at University.
The more I give thought to Madder Bio’s dismal failure in the November 17th polls, never mind TheGlobal Times and The (un)Independent Observer newspapers’ dim-witted “commissioned survey” and opinion poll, respectively, prior to the elections, the more I realize that the cardinal reason why Julius Madness Bio failed to make the University grade is the simple fact that while President Ernest Bai Koroma was earnestly studying for the final exams; Bio was exhibiting his madness by distributing his notebooks and pens to tribalistic Junior Secondary School (JSS) pupils in Bo and Kenema. So, during the run up to take the final exams, he had no notebook to study from and no pen to write the exams with. He only scored 37.4% because two of his practicals, “Methodologies On How To Make A Coup and Be A Serial Coupist” and “How To Sell Sierra Leonean Passports and Siphon The Proceeds”, were marked by SLPP lecturers such as Professors Joe A.D Allie and Yormah.
Pardon my very bad sense of humour at a time when the entire SLPPdom (my coinage please), including its bunch of stupid unrealistic press corps, are still shocked and in mourning for the loss of their would-be “American created run-off” (or were we not getting the hidden meaning that Madder Bio would be “running-off” to Ghana after the elections? That’s the true meaning of the SLPP’s “run-off” that never was). But my thrust in this One Dropian dropping is to show that the failed SLPP presidential candidate has the traits of an uncircumcised boy who always put up mannish gaffes.
The first time I realized that Madder Bio has traits of an uncircumcised boy was when he went to State Lodge to sympathize with President Koroma on the loss of the President’s dear mother. Like a timid Bo School Boy before Principal Joe Sewoh, Madder Bio could not even make eye contact with the President—he bowed his head as if in supplication. It was then I realized that the scandal-ridden Bio was not a man of himself but someone being pushed around by his SLPP hotheads to give their presidential candidate a semblance of a macho leader! If he couldn’t look President Koroma in the eye, how could he have met the United States’ President for help? Nar God don push am far!
And when, few months to the November 17th polls, Madder Bio showed his madness by issuing a statement to the effect that the government of President Ernest Bai Koroma was rearming ex-combatants, I realized the persona of someone who had the traits of an uncircumcised boy doing the bidding of mature men in the SLPP. But that was elections’ time. Now that the elections tide has ebbed; if Madder Bio is truly man enough then let him issue such seditious statement and see whether the 1965 Public Order Act, which was enacted by his SLPP of Sir Albert Margai, will not be invoked. Let him squeak any of those his unsubstantiated elections nonsense and see if he will not be bundled to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) with his directionless “New Direction” in a “Ghana Must Go” bag.
Yes, it was elections’ time. That’s why Madder Bio took his madness and blocked President Koroma’s convoy. Now that elections are over, and if he is truly man enough, let him take his madness and go near the President’s convoy and see if he will not be shot instantly—because he has the unenviable reputation of being a serial coupist! Yea, if Madder Bio is truly man enough, let him now utter that his pre-2007 gibberish that if the APC came to power again he would not hesitate to overthrown it and see whether he will not be charged with treason.
And do you know that sane and decent Sierra Leoneans (it is only stupid, crazy and indecent people that will always support a thief and killer to lord over them) rejected Madder Bio simply because they fear he might have instituted free sex in the country? “For how can any serious presidential candidate write in his manifesto that there will be free education, free medical, free lunch, free practice of tribalism, free rice, free foofoo, free tobacco, free cassava leaves, and free this and free that”, the sane and decent Sierra Leoneans reasoned and showed that though-process in ballot boxes on November 17th .
And by the way, do you know that former failed SLPP presidential candidate, Solomon Ekuma Berewa, beat his failed presidential bidder colleague, Julius Madder Bio, to the best loser position? Mr Berewa was able to take their tribalistic SLPP to a run-off but the big-mouthed Madder Bio fell at the first shake of the elections sieve! Methinks Madder Bio is only fit to be President of OBBA (the Old Bo Boys’ Association). And when is the next OBBA celebration? Because the last one was truly a Madder Bio campaign affair than a school occasion!
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