By Musa D. Ronsho
The Gospel Artist Dottie Peoples in the mid-90s released a song “For My Good,” on her Gospel Explosion album titled, “On Time God.” The lyrics of this song that topped the gospel charts and brought her many award nominations, best explains the situation Chief Alhaji Sam Sumana finds himself today. Dottie Peoples said, “I’ve had trials and tribulations, unexpected situation, living here below.
I’ve had friends to turn their back on me and leave me stand in the cold. I’ve been hurt in in church as I attempted to do God’s work. By people who called themselves saints. Many times, I felt like giving up, but the Spirit said you can’t. You know the Lord He puts you through a lot of things you can’t understand. And for everything He allows there’s a reason. So, in my life, the devil gets no glory, everywhere I go I tell the story, how God has a way of turning people around.” Dottie Peoples continued, “He meant it for my good. God meant it for my good. He brought me out without a doubt. I knew that He would. Now I know no defeat. I’m strong when I’m weak. God gave me a song now I must sing on. The devil meant it for bad but I’m so glad, God meant it for my good.”
As the popularity of Sierra Leone’s acclaimed Peace Ambassador soars among Sierra Leoneans, without a doubt everything he has been through, God meant it for his good. The envious and unnerved Bio tried to steal Sumana’s thunder by paying a university in Ghana to confer a doctorate on himself a day before Sumana left Ghana, but God meant it for his good.
The resentful and frightened so-called father of democracy attempted to turn off the spotlight from the unassuming and statesman Sumana by organizing a bogus launching of a Kabbah foundation, the day Sumana was to return to Sierra Leone. Bio sent his notorious teargas police officers to harm the gentle and law-abiding prominent son of Sierra Leone. But the God of the living whose Son said, “let the dead bury the dead,” meant it for the good of Sumana. No man can dim the spotlight of an individual’s whose time is it to rise and shine.
Blocked in all directions to enter Port Loko, but without a doubt, God brought Sumana out. The news is not about the jealous and panicky Bio in office, but on the cool and calm former VP who remained gracious under fire, because God meant it for his good. Let the green-eyed and malicious reporters of Bio put out all negative information about Sumana. God meant it for his good.
The admiration of Alhaji Sam Sumana among Sierra Leoneans continues to grow. Some are calling him the “Wise man from the east who will restore unity and bring peace to Sierra Leone.” His acceptance among average Sierra Leoneans is unbelievable and noteworthy. They have left Sumana standing in the cold, but God meant it for his good.
Sumana is not a saint, but the devil gets no glory in his life, because everything that has happened in his life, God meant it for his good. Members of the Satanic Lasmamy Peoples Party can tell their fake story and try to malign him. Still the devil will get no glory because God meant it for Sumana’s good. A lot of things they can’t understand. How is it that the more they try to suppress, the more popular Sumana gets? How is it he is strong when he is weak? How is it that what the devil meant for bad, God always turns it out for his good? An SLPP insider told me that, “Bio is very much aware that if Sumana had led the All Peoples Congress into the 2018 Presidential Elections, Bio would not be referred to as Mr. President.” Hmmm. Anyway, Bio will continue to have sleepless nights because there is only one direction Sumana’s popularity will go-UP and UP and UP. God meant it for Sumana’s good.