The Maada Bio led Government has now become famously famous through the continuous basterdization of our Constitution, nepotism, rampant corruption, rampantly wasting our money by his unending flying abroad, and leaving Sierra Leoneans perish with hunger as a bag of rice skyrocket to 500,000 leones.

The sudden and shocking “indefinite suspension” of the country’s Auditor General, Lara Taylor-Pearce once again has manifested Maada Bio’s zeal to stifle democracy, accountability and bury our 1991 Constitution which brought him to power. As the Auditor General and her team, together with one of her dupities, Mr. Tamba Momoh were preparing to release the 2020 Audit Report few weeks from now, Bio and his corrupt stooge and embezzlers became jittery over what Sierra Leoneans are going to learnt about the way and manner they have illegally loot the country’s resources in 2020 alone.
The purported fight against corruption by this government is a clear fasad and an illusion. Maada Bio and his government does not want to be accountable to Sierra Leoneans, this is clear and must be resisted by all Sierra Leoneans.
As Sierra Leoneans call for the swift reinstatement of the Auditor General and her deputy, who were suspended without due processes, citizens maintain that, all the findings in the 2020 Audit Report that is to be released very soon, MUST NOT BE TAMPERED WITH by any individual. Sierra Leones must resist any attempt by this failed, corrupt and inept government to manipulate the 2020 Audit Report.
As one of Sierra Leone’s finest use to say to young people, “Get used to the shocks in this country, when you are shocked, take a break and cool off.”
©️ MR. MARK 😎
An Unsung Hero: Tamba Momoh, Deputy AG.
“`Reliable source have intimated us that the two audit gurus at Audit Service SL were fired by the President without following due process because Mr. Tamba Momoh, who was deputy AG and who headed the team of auditors attached to state house had put together some incontrovertible evidence of fake receipts submitted by state house to cover up for the President’s millions of dollars travel claims. Mr. Tamba Momoh, the no nonsense taker, had traced evidence in several hotels and other travel claims by the President and found that this President who claims to be fighting corruption is neck deep into what would be known as the biggest malfeance around the Presidency in our history.
We have also learned that this move by the president to sack the two audit gurus should have come earlier but for the fact that he (the President) was supposed to travel to Glasgow to attend the Climate Summit where he was going to meet other leaders. So, he had to wait until his return finish the deal.
We have been reliably informed that the person who has been tipped to act as AG is refusing to accept some of the conditions given by state house; i.e. to change some of the 2020 audit findings.
We cannot wait but to celebrate this unsung hero and others at the audit service.
More updates to follow.