That’s all we want to know now…
By Dr. Dennis Bright
Chairman and Leader, NGC
Since news of the sacking or “indefinite suspension” of the Auditor General broke out, I have been doing a lot of thinking. I was especially asking myself questions such as: why would President Bio want to sack this woman at a time when the dust of the European Union’s frank and damning report has still not settled when people are still angry about his lackluster performance at the climate conference and all that?

But thanks to the Africanist Press, whose reports have never been challenged by the Government, we now know that the 2020 Audit Report, when it is released as prepared by Lara Taylor Pearce may reveal misdeeds, malpractices and fraudulent activities in very high places that are unheard of in the sixty years history of independent Sierra Leone.
One thing we must make clear is this: anything they tell us now that does not have to do with what is in that report is a mere distraction; we don’t want to know all the things they are telling us now about this woman, that she did a cover-up for the Mayor or she did not follow the procurement rules or that maybe she stole a potato at the Freetown Supermarket. You had enough time to tell us all that, but you didn’t.
Now, what the nation is interested in is what is in that report that you do not want us to hear and that made you send her away? We don’t want any distractions. You cannot just come up with a tribunal to investigate the good lady just two weeks before she was going to expose your “egregious” corruption, as the former Chief Minister would call it. What’s done in the darkness must come to light.
I would like to inform my compatriots in Government that this Lara Taylor Pearce story is not going to blow over. This is not going to be shelved like the case of the 49,000 bags of Chinese donated rice that disappeared within the Government, stolen or “commandeered.” If you think that the Christmas fever is going to make this go cold, please start thinking again.
We will hear that Audit Report, unfiltered and unadulterated. And if you think you can just sack that woman when you have no right to, let’s see if the Constitution of this country has now become your tissue paper. I feel so sorry for you all.
And I do hope that Lara will not take the bait and give up, never mind the threats and intimidation. That will be the professional suicide they are hoping for. Be assured, strong lady, the people are behind you because you are the last hope for decency in this s……..hole (courtesy of the former U.S. President Trump). God is not dead yet and God is alive.