*Sierra Leone Is Not Ready for An Abortion Law*
At a time when our nation, Sierra Leone faces mounting socio-economic challenges, the government’s push to legalize abortion seems like an unnecessary and dangerous diversion.
The nation is struggling to provide necessities to its people, from healthcare to education, employment opportunities, and infrastructure. Legalizing abortion now is not only premature but a potential long-term disaster.
Let’s lay bare why abortion legislation is not suitable for Sierra Leone at this premature time, the critical priorities the government should focus on, the economic value of a growing population, and the dangers of rushing into this decision. It also highlights why APC must stand firm against this bill, not only to preserve Sierra Leone’s future but also to provide a sensible, patriotic alternative to this controversial proposal.
*SLPP’s Misplaced Priorities*
Sierra Leone is a nation battling poverty, underdevelopment, and a lack of basic services for its citizens. The government has failed to address critical needs such as improving maternal healthcare, building schools, expanding job opportunities, and supporting vulnerable populations. Yet, it finds the time and resources to champion abortion legislation.
Instead of diverting attention to this divisive issue, the government must focus on solving real problems that affect millions of Sierra Leoneans daily.
*The Most Pressing Needs*
1. Strengthening Maternal Healthcare: With one of the highest maternal mortality rates globally, our priority should be ensuring safe childbirth, access to quality prenatal care, and empowering healthcare systems to protect women and children.
2. Education for Prevention: Comprehensive sex education can reduce unintended pregnancies. By equipping young people with knowledge, the government can address the root causes without resorting to controversial legislation.
3. Empowering Women Economically: Poverty drives many women to desperate decisions. Creating economic opportunities and support systems will uplift mothers and children alike, reducing the demand for abortion.
The Abortion Bill must not be a Substitute for Failure to provide the above life’s necessities.
*The Positive Power of a Growing Population*
Population growth is not a burden but a potential blessing when properly managed. Nations like India, China, and Nigeria have turned their large populations into engines of economic growth, innovation, and global influence. Sierra Leone, too, can achieve this if it recognizes the value of its people as its greatest asset.
*Economic Dividends of Population Growth*
Labor Force Expansion: A larger population provides the workforce necessary to drive industrial and agricultural growth, as a growing and young population often experiences a “demographic dividend”—a period of accelerated economic growth driven by a favorable ratio of working-age individuals to dependents.
Consumer Markets: A growing population creates demand for goods and services, fueling economic activity and attracting investors.
Innovation and Creativity: The larger the population, the greater the pool of talent to solve problems and innovate for national progress.
By legalizing abortion, Sierra Leone risks undermining its ability to harness these benefits. Instead of cutting short the potential of unborn lives, the government should be creating opportunities for every citizen to contribute to national development.
*The Long-term Consequences of Abortion Legislation*
Countries around the world (e.g. Japan, South Korea, etc.) are grappling with the negative effects of declining birth rates, including shrinking workforces and aging populations. Sierra Leone is not prepared at this premature stage to follow in their footsteps, especially given our underdeveloped healthcare and economic systems.
*What We Stand to Lose*
1. Population Decline: Legalizing abortion could slow our population growth, depriving us of the manpower needed to build a prosperous future.
2. Cultural and Social Tensions: Abortion goes against the deeply held religious and traditional values of Sierra Leoneans. Passing such legislation risks dividing the nation. The fact the SLPP carefully flashed up this bill in their second and final term signals that irrespective of the propaganda they are now making for the bill to pass easily, they also knew Sierra Leoneans of the majority despised this proposal and thus waited in their final tenure of governance.
3. Missed Opportunities for Development: Instead of focusing on abortion, the government should invest in orphanages and adoption systems to turn unplanned lives into national assets.
*Investing in Orphanages: A Better Alternative*
If the government is genuinely concerned about unplanned pregnancies, investing in orphanages is a more constructive and compassionate solution. These institutions can provide children with the care, education, and opportunities they need to become productive citizens.
*National Benefits of Orphanage Investment*
Economic Growth: Children saved from abortion can grow up to become doctors, engineers, teachers, and innovators.
Social Stability: Supporting vulnerable children strengthens communities and fosters unity.
Future Security:
A well-cared-for population ensures a stable and prosperous nation for generations to come.
By saving lives and investing in their future, Sierra Leone can create a legacy of hope and progress instead of despair and division.
*The APC’s Responsibility to Stand Firm*
The APC must oppose this bill, not out of political rivalry but from a place of patriotism and foresight. Allowing the SLPP to pass this legislation without challenge would be a betrayal of the nation’s future.
*Why the APC Must Act*
1. Defending National Interests: The APC must protect Sierra Leone’s population growth as a strategic resource for development.
2. Educating the Public: The APC should lead a campaign to inform citizens about the dangers of the bill and the alternatives that can save lives and strengthen the nation.
3. Offering Solutions: By championing investments in maternal healthcare, education, and orphanages, the APC can present a vision of hope and progress that resonates with all Sierra Leoneans.
*A Sensible Call For Leadership*
Sierra Leone’s future hangs in the balance. Legalizing abortion is not the solution to our problems—it is a dangerous distraction that could undermine our national potential. The government must redirect its focus to addressing the real needs of its people: healthcare, education, economic opportunities, and support for vulnerable populations.
Population growth is not a curse but a blessing. By investing in our people and saving lives, Sierra Leone can build a stronger, more prosperous future. By opposing this bill, the APC can demonstrate true leadership, standing up for what is right and safeguarding the nation’s destiny.
This is not just a political debate; it is a fight for the soul and future of Sierra Leone. Let us choose wisely.
*©️The Mighty APC!*
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