Let me set the records straight on a few issues surrounding NGC and KKY. I consider his spurt of anger and statements regarding meager financial contributions by some “noisemakers” within the party unfortunate and probably made out of exasperation.
Here are my thoughts.
1. KKY (Kandeh Kolleh Yumkellah, National Grand Coaltion party of Sierra Leone leader) has understandably been under extreme pressure for a while. We now know he knew Philo’s health condition was terminal a long time before she died and he is still grieving.
2. KKY (photo) has not hidden the fact that he has been having discussions with President Bio from his top advisers within the party, some of whom have been made privy to some of the discussions.
3. NGC is not a one man show. The structures are working and both KKY and Dennis Bright regularly use the right channels to consult.
4. NGC NEC had long ago agreed that the party should explore Strategic alliances. COPP with APC and other parties was one channel explored but it floundered for various reasons. This effort was spearheaded by Dr Bright.
5. KKY knows that any alliance between NGC and another party has to be approved by the party’s NEC and National conference. Consequently, he communicated his discussions with President Bio and asked NEC to give him the mandate to form a team which includes Dennis Bright to hold discussions with SLPP. This was approved by NEC. The team would have to report back to NEC and seek necessary endorsement for whatever is proposed.
6. There is no disagreement between KKY and Dennis Bright on this or major issues as both people complement each other and are not unaware of their roles. It is however common knowledge that Dennis has not been happy about his treatment by the government. He however says he is a team player who will go by whatever decision the party makes.
7. NGC stalwarts of whatever rank and locality now appear split into two distinct groups…a) Those that don’t favour any alliance with another party and want the party to go on with its participation in the next General elections on its own as it has done before b) those who want to explore the alliance (nature and conditions to be defined) with SLPP. Proponents of option a) have however not yet been able to answer the question of how to adequately fund the party for the elections as posed by option b proponents.
8. On the issue of funding, NGC is similar to other SL parties when in opposition….major contributions (except close to elections when companies and other major players in SL and abroad wanting to exert influence, should the party win make huge contributions) for now are diaspora branches contributions and major players locally within the party. KKY has made a lot of sacrifices in this respect. It is well known however that some people who have made the most caustic remarks about him and his present perceived leanings have not even made their nominal contributions. Notwithstanding this, there are others who are ardent contributors that wish the party would maintain its identity. Some are very dissapointed that he would even talk to SLPP .
9. In the final analysis NGC’s decision will boil down to internal lobbying and honestly approaching the concerns of party members. Whatever the case, as in such decisions, there will be those who will be grossly dissapointed and not go along with the party decision and probably take their exit.