The National Youth Council of Sierra Leone is hereby calling on all young people and the general public to stay away from any proposed unauthorized protest or civil disobedience making rounds on social media. First and foremost, we owe it to this country to continue to be law abiding citizens who use dialogue to get our voices heard rather than resort to unlawful protest of which outcome we cannot guarantee at this time when we are still trying to build our fragile peace.
The NYC SL is aware of the contemporary economic challenges Sierra Leoneans are facing especially the youth, but we should also not forget how far we have come in terms of development as a nation and the meaningful contributions made by the young people to ensure such development of the country and the peaceful co-existence we are enjoying as Sierra Leoneans.
Therefore, as young people, we should continue to be hopeful and look forward to government’s commitment to promote young people’s engagement by creating employment opportunities in agriculture for example, where the MAFFS is seeking to create 10,000 new jobs for young people across key value chains in line with the President’s post Ebola recovery priorities. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Security is already supporting young people of Sierra Leone through the National Youth Council to engage in productive Agriculture through the establishment of District Youth Farms. These types of innovative engagement can only be achieved when there is stability, and an atmosphere of social and economic prospects for the development of young people.
The National Youth Council is committed to continuous and constructive dialogue with Government Ministries Departments and Agencies to address not only the concerns raised by young people, but issues and concerns raised by the populace in the country as a whole. On this note, the Council frowns at any attempt to mislead young people to public disorder calls on all young people and the general public to remain calm be law abiding, go about their peaceful and normal businesses and continue to support the Government of Sierra Leone as prescribed under a democratic process so that together, we can contribute to making Sierra Leone a better place to live, work and learn as we build a great nation for all.
Long live the Youth of Sierra Leone! Long live our fellow Sierra Leoneans! God Bless Sierra Leone!
Ibrahim Prince Tholley
Chairman, National Youth Council