Thursday January 20, 2006
I have to appeal to my fellow Sierra Leoneans not to get carried away by the gimmicks portrayed by Kabba. What Omrie Golley is being framed for now is what Charles Margai would have been framed for had Charles ever attempted to travel out of the country.
Please Sierra Leoneans think for once that this man Kabba since 1996 has been fooling us feeding us with what he thought we needed to hear and know. This was the one leader in our history who ran away when he was to stand and defend us; this was the leader who knew rebels were poised to enter Freetown but did nothing instead he imprisoned the poor journalist who wrote the news. The rebels came in and did untold havoc on defenseless citizens. Didn’t Kabba again lie to the distressed people that he was going to help them rebuild their houses? This was the leader who allowed Foday Sankoh into Freetown and even when it became clear that Foday Sankoh was making plans to topple the government he did nothing until Johnny Paul Koroma who was not the leader whether elected or not, made that clarion call that Sunday morning rallying the troops to nip everything in the bud while Kabba sat at his Hill Station Lodge not knowing what to do.
Kabba has consistently and persistently lied to us since he came to power that we do not need to believe him anymore. What type of a leader is Kabba. He has no regards for the lives of the people he governs, he does not respect the constitution, he uses the Judiciary as his personal property, he has let loose his grass cutters on our treasury so that by the time he leaves power there will not be anything for the people of this country to restart their lives.
Tejan Kabba knows that he is hugely unpopular and to distract attention away from himself and his Akutay group, God sent Omrie Golley to him to use as a scapegoat. Kabba over the years has tried many tactics in order to rope Charles Margai but he has not succeeded yet. This was what I suspected long ago when I wrote the article ?Faking a Coup.’ Kabba has now got the opportunity he was looking for in Omrie Golley. Brima Acha Kamara is there. He will soon start his program of disinformation to the public to make us believe that indeed Omrie Golley is involved in subversive activities, the APC style. He is a direct product of the then APC so it would be easy for him to cook things up.
The name Omrie Golley sparks up hate, fear, disappointment etc so he is easy prey for Kabba to precipitously go to the radio and personally announce that Omrie Golley has been arrested for subversive activities. It is now and only now that Omrie Golley is being investigated something that should have been done before the arrest. This is what desperation can lead a man to. Kabba is desperate. He has messed up the S.L.P.P., messed up the economy, messed up our judiciary, messed up our foreign policy and messed up everything good about Sierra Leone and Sierra Leoneans. What a shame and disappointment. This is the system he wants to force on us through his son Berewa. Sierra Leoneans let us stand and refuse them that opportunity otherwise we will all be doomed.
In India during the rule of Jawarhalal Nehru, he provoked war with China at a time his popularity was at a low ebb. Margaret Thatcher went to war with Argentina (Falkland’s war) at a time her popularity was down. Kabba is doing the same thing here to distract attention away from his unproductive policies.
Let me ask this question: Was Justice Beoku Betts right when he wrote in his conclusion about Kabba that he should never occupy a position of authority in the country and that Kabba was no respecter of the truth? I beg for answers.
The future of Sierra Leone is at stake here especially when our leaders continue to lie to us for their own personal benefits and that of their cronies and tribes mates. Kabba cannot be trusted with the truth so let him come with irrefutable evidence if he can. But I doubt. The whole thing will be cooked up just as Charles margay was charged to court for the negligence of Brima Acha Kamara for failing to provide robust security for the Vice President.
Sierra Leoneans pleas realize that Kabba has failed us woefully so that whatever he tells us we should take with a pinch of salt. It is a shame that Kabba with all the trust we put in him should let us down as he has done. Let him produce the evidence against Omrie Golley if there is any, the whole world wants to see it. Lonta
The arrest of Charles Margai ,leader for the yet to be registered the peoples movement for democratic change , is promptingmore trouble in the country than stability.This is purely politically motivated.
Solomon Berewa is not the type of leader again Sierra leone should have.He is a bird of the same feathers. I want to appeal to Serry Kamal and Eddy Turay that we are all the same to come together to fight and resolve the corruption within my belove party APC.
The future of the country is on their hands provided they are united. As for Abass Bundu is
a political harlot and the SLPP government should arrest him if they are not in the same soup.We always
get humilation from colleagues that Sierra leone is the least in the whole world.What a shame for us
leaving abroad.

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