Since switching-on the Kingtom Thermal Plant in his first 100 days in office, to the turning-on of the Bakasoka mini-hydro and the commissioning of the Newton Solar Panel project in less than 100 days left in office, President Koroma has been duggedly passionate in explore every ENERGY avenue to boost the country’s energy capacity. This is evident in the completion and on-going construction of hydroenergy in the 275MW Bumbuna, 200MW Bekongor, 3MW Charlotte, Moyamba, Binkolo, and rehabilitated Dodo as well as the thermal BADEA 22.68MW, 10MW JICA, West Africa Power Pool, to the solar Newton, Barefoot, and the plenty of solar lights scattered in every district throughout the country. This prioritization of energy which has created this energy revolution stemmed from Koroma’s conviction of the indisputable role of energy in revitalizing the economy and catapulting the country into a middle level income status..
In 2007 our national electricity capacity was below 15MW, today we can boast of over 100% increase with a target of 1,000 MW upon the completion of hydros in addition to solar energy, and other renewable energy including the complementary thermal energy.When completed, Bumbuna 1&2 will provide 275 MW whiles Bekongor pegs 200 MW. This alone will generate the 200-300 MW required for domestic consumption. The remaining will power industries and export like Ivory Coast is tapping.
An energy-sufficient Sierra Leone has immersed socio-economic benefits. Investors are attracted because of the low cost of production, businesses are revitalized boosting employment, government accumulate more foreign exchange as a result of the less petroleum import and less subsidy which will consequently reduce transportation cost, etc. Such huge fuel subsidy can be diverted to the education and health sectors which will significant improve citizens’ living standard. With the commencement of our off-shore drilling, Sierra Leone is bound to be a leading exporter of energy in the continent.
More mini-hydros should be explored in every district throughout the country. Solar and other renewable energy should also be pursued vigorously. Our trajectory to energy-sufficiency is unstoppable!!!
The country is on the right recovery track: the APC MUST CONTINUE. Thank you President Koroma, welcome President Samura-Kamara!!!