Sierra Leoneans have started missing President Ernest Bai Koroma with tears. WE USED TO SAY IT THAT YOU NEVER MISS THE RIVER UNTIL THE WATERS RUN DRY.
During the reign of President Koroma, our country was so peaceful we have now been deemed one of the 5 most peaceful countries in the world. Everybody went about their business without fear and in peace. Nobody feared politically and tribally motivated attacks.
During his reign, it did not matter whether you were Mende, Temne, Fula, Lokko, Limba, susu , Kru or madingo. Everybody had a place under his mammoth umbrella of peaceful , inclusive and responsible governance. Everybody was safe under his rule. Wherever he went, whether Bo or Kenema, whether London or New York, a cross-section of Sierra Leoneans came around him and celebrated him.
He took development projects everywhere in the country. In fact, most of his infrastructural developments and provisions of socio-economic and political dividends were executed in the SLPP strongholds of the Southeast. Thank God, COCORIOKO was dutifully recording all these developments and pictures which we will soon start to republish. President Koroma changed the architectural and aesthetic face of our nation with beautiful structures and magnificent road networks. President Bio will only operate under President Koroma’s shadow because Koroma has already set the groundwork, agenda and momentum for him. The NEW DIRECTION is a sad imitation of President Koroma’s AGENDA FOR CHANGE and the AGENDA FOR PROSPERITY.
Journalists, civil society groups and political and social activists will confess that they had their finest ever moments during the reign of President Koroma.
Though Lady Luck was cruel to him in that the fall in value of our minerals on the international market, Ebola and the mudslide disaster came and undermined his hard work, business thrived and Sierra Leone had the second fastest growing economy in the world under his reign . Everybody knows that DE PA REALLY WOKE and he has left impressive legacies that it will be very difficult for another President in Sierra Leone to match.
While he enjoys his much-desired retirement, some rabid political underdogs and faceless ingrates want to tarnish his name, but they will only succeed to do that over our dead bodies.
President Koroma’s unmatchable legacies will be drummed home by some of us until our ears vibrate with the sweet music of these reports.