An Op-ed By:
*Leonard Balogun Logus Koroma*.
H. E. President Ernest Bai Koroma, Chairman and Leader of the APC, and the undisputed transformational leader of Sierra Leone, yesterday established himself as the Grand Commander of the APC, demonstrating that he is totally in control and will not allow anyone to threaten or dilute the legendary strength of the party – internal discipline and decorum.
President Ernest Bai Koroma, in his thunderous and historic address to the APC National Youth League conference in Port Loko, fired the opening salvo and warning shot to all those who have jumped the gun (violating race rules) in the APC race to succeed him in 2018.
I applaud President Koroma for reminding all that he is the one who brought the party from the political wilderness (1992 – 2007) , from grass to grace, and putting the APC back in the political map of Sierra Leone and the world; with millions of Sierra Leoneans wanting to join it’s ranks .
I applaud our revered APC Chairman and Leader for unequivocally warning all to hold fire among themselves and their supporters and not to bring the name of the party into scorn, ridicule, or disrepute by their actions or the actions of their supporters. “If you cannot control your supporters, you will not be able to control the party or the country”, he said.
I salute him for reminding all that the APC has it’s own procedures and structures to elect/ select a successor and if you are a true APC; you must respect and accept that. “He recalled that in 1997, he was the most popular politician in Makeni; but when the party told him to wait, he patiently waited and now bless his stars for heeding to that advice”.
I also salute him for reminding all aspirants who have jumped the gun and threatened to form their own political parties if they are not awarded the presidential symbol to go ahead and do so. ” You say you are popular today, who knew you before 2007″?, he questioned adding; ” I am more popular than any other politician in Sierra Leone right now”. This is very true Mr. President, thank you very much for reminding those who are in denial.
H. E. the President in his characteristic style, has at the appropriate time, taken charge on the issue of succession and set out the APC Succession Road Map; thank you Sir ;
in that direction, the APC Grand Commander dropped a bomb when he said ;
“whether you are old or new in the party , APC is APC .
I congratulate the President, for such a robust demonstration of leadership; and I want to assure him that the principal tenets, and strength of the APC, which I have known since my student days under President Siaka Probyn Stevens (our founding father) will remain sacrosanct, and protected under his continued leadership of the APC.
I therefore wish to endorse all and particularly the last resolution of the APC 2017 National Youth League Conference in Port Loko which calls on President Koroma to retain his position of life Chairman and Leader of the APC party .