Uncle Kutubu, it is not a reckless disregard of the Vienna Convention, it is real politic. He who pays the piper will call the tune. When the diplomat observef diplomatic niceties and protocols by whispering (kratch the yase) of the president to whom he is accredited, Bio stupidly disclosed the diplomatic contacts. With that being the modus operandi of the paopa government, now the ambassador gives his advice in public.
Now as to the non interference in the domestic affairs of states, you faint late; they do interfere all the time.
Canada receives advise from United States; Mexico does also; and states with interests do not sit idly and quietly and let matters happen in your domestic affairs that will affect your neighbors or the region. World powers have worldwide interests ipso facto they have their eyes and ears and hands everywhere. So Uncle you can go back and rewrite all the solemn dogmas; things are not what we thought they are.
Finally, the United States teaches her diplomats to talk for the United States. A U. S. diplomat does not offer a personal opinion; what he says is U. S government policy. And you can call it what you may, the United States will offer its advisory opinion more likely privately as the ambassador did to the president on the calling of the election. Bio disregarded it to the our detriment and present stalemate in government.
Now he is cautioning the government on the coup investigation and potential prosecution. Paopa and Bio can disregard the warning and subject the country to the consequences. I yield
The position of the US Ambassador can be seen in three-fold
Firstly, he understands beyond your SLPP and APC rhetoric that the path to dialogue is greater than any political party’s thirst to secure power than any means.
Secondly, they understand the behavior and intention of this administration and are therefore warning them to be careful of their actions to intimidate the opposition and senior citizens
Finally, they understand the pattern and behaviors of dictators not to be subjected to the will and program of the state.
They know what Bio is seeking and they understand his desperate desire to achieve that even if it means plunging the state into chaos
They understand that Bio cannot operate in a democratic setting, and therefore will do anything to cling to power.
The International Committee cannot continue to sit and watch the erosion of our democracy, and human right under the guise of fighting a coup.
*Thursday December 28th,*
*Andrew Here Again*
*The steadfast commitment of the United States to an unwavering policy is evident in its determination to employ every humane means necessary for the restoration of democracy in Sierra Leone.*
*This resolute stance underscores the nation’s dedication to fostering democratic principles and stability in the region. The United States’ unwavering support signifies a comprehensive approach, encompassing diplomatic, economic, and potentially, strategic measures to ensure the promotion and sustenance of democratic governance in Sierra Leone.*
*This pledge of support serves as a testament to the enduring values that the United States champions on the global stage, emphasizing the importance of democratic ideals and the promotion of stability in nations striving to uphold them.*
*As events unfold, the international community will keenly observe how the United States translates its commitment into tangible actions that contribute to the restoration and strengthening of democracy in Sierra Leone.*